
Hari ini hari jumaat...ermm..esok sabtu...esok jenjalan g umah umi...pastu....ooppss...dok umah sudah...aku kan pemalas...

aper lg ek nk buat?? update blog ujung minggu pon bukan de cite sgt...aku suka melepak kt umah layan la novel ker aper ker...kalo dpt novel, harus xtido mlm aku dibuat nyer...sy suka membace nyer...:P

xperla...nanti aku pk nk wat per sabtu nih...errrmm....ngah pk...ermm.....jgn kaco la..org ngah pk lg..hehehe.. :P


Ada ker patut depa xdatang xbgtau kt aku???..nih dok melongo wat keje sesorang...xper2...

lain kali aku cuti or g iss xmau bgtau depa...slalu tau wat aku cmnih...



wa...wa...wa....code aku ilang...tension sih...aku plak xbuat backup..kena start blk...banyak dah siap...cantik dah...molek gile aku buat...dah masuk select statement dah...adoih hai...cmner nk siap isnin nih???

ermmm...xkn siap kot isnin sbb aku xberapa paham la spec nih...tulun..tulun....cuai la ko farzilah...gigit kang...kn dah susahkan diri ko...nk xnk...buat la sml...lepas nih buat la backup...system kan cm bengong..leh logout sendiri...ko de kaki ker system...susahkan org jer...ishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nutrition Notes

Cherries are a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants such as anthocyanins. They also contain the soluble fibre pectin.

1/2 cup Sweet Cherries provides: 46 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 9.3 g sugar, 1.5 g fibre

1/2 cup Sour Cherries provides: 39 calories, 0.8 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.6 g sugar, 1.2 g fibre

1/4 cup Dried Cherries provides: 136 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 27 g sugar, 1 g fibre, 30% DV vitamin A.

1 Maraschino Cherry, canned, drained provides: 8 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 2 g sugar, 0.2 g fibre

1/2 cup Ontario Red Tart Chilled and Pitted Cherries provides: 63 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 15.7 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g dietary fibre.

Cherries come in two main types: sweet and sour or tart.

Sweet cherries are larger and heart-shaped. They can be enjoyed freshly picked and are also excellent cooked. They range in colour from golden, red-blushed (Royal Ann) to dark red or purplish black (Bing, Lambert and Tartarian).

Sour cherries are smaller, softer and more globular in shape than sweet cherries. Unlike sweet cherries, most sour varieties are too tart to eat raw, but they are excellent in pies and preserves. Varieties of sour cherries include Early Richmond (bright red; first to be available in late spring), Montmorency (bright red) and Morello (dark mahogany red).

Dried cherries are prepared from tart cherries, which may have sugar or other sweeteners added prior to drying.

Ontario chilled and pitted cherries are the Montmorency variety (tart), which are the best cheries for pies, sauces, tarts, jams and desserts. They are availble with 10% sugar added or no sugar added.

Marashino cherries can be made from any variety of cherry, but Royal Ann (sweet) is typically used. The cherries are pitted and soaked in a flavoured sugar syrup. These sugary cherries are used as garnish for desserts and cocktails, in baked goods and fruit salads.

Canned Cherries are red, tart, pitted cherries packed in water.


Fresh cherries are available from May (sweet) or June (sour) through August. Select fresh cherries that are brightly coloured, shiny and plump. Sweet cherries should be firm, but not hard; sour cherries should be medium-firm. You get more for your money (per gram weight) buying stemmed cherries, but those with the stems still on last longer.

You can also purchase chilled and pitted cherries. Ontario Tender Fruit Producers offers red tart and black sweet cherries chilled and pitted between mid-July and early August. Pre-ordering is recommended; retailers receive fresh product daily during this period. Pails of pitted cherries may not be stored where you can find them, so ask about chilled and pitted cherries at the Produce Department or Customer Service Desk.

Red Tart Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 17 to August 5

Black Sweet Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 10 to August 5 Participating Retailers: A&P; Comisso's; Dominion/Ultra; Food Basics; Foodland; Fortinos; Highland Farms; IGA; Knechtel; Loblaws; Loeb; Longo's; Price Chopper; Sobeys; The Barn; Valumart; Your Independent Grocer; Zehrs Markets.

Canned Cherries - choose undented cans that exhibit no bulging.

Unwashed cherries should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. To preserve cherries and use them later, select red, tree-ripened fruit. Remove the stems and rinse the fruit in cool water; remove pits, if desired. You can then freeze, can or dry the cherries.

Freezing cherries: Cherries can be frozen on a cookie sheet with the pit still in them. You can enjoy the cherries while they are still frozen, or package them in appropriate quantities for further use (e.g. 1/2 cup or 1 cup in a freezer baggie). If the cherries will be used for pies or other recipes, pit them first over the container you will be storing them in, to catch the juices. (A 9-inch pie will require 4 to 5 cups of pitted tart cherries.) To preserve the red colour of tart cherries, they should be frozen shortly after they are picked/bought, in freezer containers with a sprinkling of granulated sugar. Frozen cherries will keep for 8 to 10 months.

Canning cherries: To can cherries, it is best to follow a recipe from a canning book such as Ball or Kerr - check out www.homecanning.com

Drying cherries: If you dry your own fresh tart cherries, don't expect the same results as commercially dried tart cherries. As with other fruits dehydrated at home, the results can be significantly different. Dehydrate for 24 to 36 hours, pits removed.

For more information on preserving cherries, visit www.homefoodpreservation.com

Canned cherries should be stored unopened in a cool, dry place off the floor. Opened cherries should be transferred to a covered container, refigerated and used within 2 to 4 days.

Chilled and pitted cherries can be frozen in their pails or packaged in small containers or freezer bags in desired proportions.

Fresh sweet cherries need only be rinsed and enjoyed. Tart or sour cherries are typically used to make pies, jellies, jams, sauces, stewed fruit and the like.

Pitting cherries You may have heard that you can remove cherry pits with paper clips, a vegetable peeler or a knife. However, the best pitters are ones made especially for the job. Click here to see a hand-held "cherry stoner". Hand-held pitters work well on a small batch of cherries. However, if you need to pit large numbers of cherries, it is best to invest in a large cherry pitter, such as this one. Cherry pitters/stoners are available at specialty food stores or through the Internet.

Chilled and pitted cherries: To use cherries frozen in the pail, remove the pail from the freezer and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Scoop out the desired amount of cherries and return the pail to the freezer.

Cherries can be incorporated into any meal of the day.

Healthy Ways to Enjoy Cherries:


* Blend fresh cherries into a smoothie - if you have to pit them, it will take a little extra time, but it only takes a few cherries to impart their distinct flavour to your frosty morning beverage.
* Add fresh or dried cherries to muffins, pancakes and quick breads.
* Make a more healthful granola by mixing in dried cherries and other dried fruits, seeds and chopped nuts.


* Try a cherry soup with a salad for a relaxing, cool weekend lunch (see recipe).
* Add a fruit serving to your packed lunch with a 1/2 cup fresh sweet cherries.
* Toss some greens with leftover cold chicken breast, cubed, some dried cherries and a fruity dressing for a tasty salad.
* Enjoy a fruit salad - not the canned type with a single maraschino in it, but make your own with fresh fruits, pitted cherries, a splash of juice and a squeeze of lemon.


* Add dried cherries to stuffing.
* Make an entrée salad with plenty of fresh greens, veggies and dried or fresh, pitted cherries.
* Add dried cherries to couscous, pasta or quinoa salads for an interesting side dish.


* If you typically snack on fruit that is available year-round, such as apples, bananas and oranges, take the opportunity to celebrate spring. 1/2 cup of cherries and a handful of nuts make a delicious, healthful snack.
* Toss dried cherries into trail mix.
* Liven up plain low-fat yogurt with fresh cherries

Did You Know?

* Cherries were named after the Turkish town of Cerasus, and date as far back as 300 BCE.
* In 1912, Tokyo's governor presented America with ornamental cherry trees, which stand in Washington, DC today and act as a floral tourist attraction.

all is about cherries....nape aku suka makan cherry?? errmm....sbb kesihatan..sbb fungsi anti oxcidant die la...hehehe...but i like the taste of course....tp kt mesia cherry sgt mahal....aku mkn sbb cousin aku bwk dr aussie...then aku suruh zera beli...kt aussie...pastu abg aku g paris...aku pesan gak..but dpt sikit jer sbb mahal..then abg aku g aussie aku pesan lg...kali nih banyak la dr dulu...sbb murah sikit dr kt paris...huhuhu...

p/s:- evrything aku amik kt tenet ek...korang mesti tau punya...punya banyak link tue..hehehe..

Chocolate from Aussie...

milky way

freddo cadbury....choco katak

all the choco is bought from aussie .
thanks bro...luv ya...
(bodek jgn xbodek...)

aku mmg suka chocolate sbb tue badan aku cm chocolate dah...huhuhu...malaysian nyer choco i like beryl's..yg kilang die kt sri kembangan...ermm...tue aku mkn sbb my cousin la die suka beli...aku dok merasa jd jatuh chenta...then...i love kisses..almost love it..almond kisses..luv it very much...also ferrero...then baru la cadbury...all types...xkirala aper pon...aku hadap jer semua...best lagi kalo yg overseas type tue...penuh gile haram jadah dlm tue..hehehe...tp choco murah pon aku makan la jugak...asal xkempunan....xpon kalo dpt belgium choco pon masyuk gak...wah..kerang2 gitu.....

alkisahnyer aku suka mkn choco sbb abg aku la... die beli ferrero for the first time..mase tue baru promotion kt mesia kalo xsilap...then die beli kisses...then kisses is my 1st choice la.so...sampai sekarang aku suka kisses or generally choco..aku penah nagis per xdpt mkn choco because i'm too stressfull at that time... huhuhu...nih sapa dpt sponsor aku choco tuk setaun..maunyer aku cium sampai lemas..hehehe...

p/s: aku amik gambo dr tenet...camera tinggal kt seroting la weh...sabau jer la...


wah...k3 punya keje ...fenin den...xtau la per yg die nk...aduih..k3...kalo aku k3 jugak mesti paham aper yg dimaksudkan...huhuhu..ntah bile aku nk jd k3 gaknyer....lambat laie la gamaknyer...

rehat jap otak aku yg serabut...sambil mkn coklat cadbury yg dibeli oleh abg aku yg tersayang..ceh...bodek....

anyway..thanks bro...for the chocolate and cherries...also for the t-shirt and the kain... :P
lain kali pie la berjalan lg...beli tuk den lagi... adik mung nih suka barang free... very the...hehehe...

ermm.....nanti aku upload gambar coklatnyer...special edition from aussie...tempat lain xde tau....aku panggil choco katak...dulu aku mkn, cousin aku bwk blk lepas die abis blaja..:P...jgn marah..also the kain n tshirt...the kain is from vietnam...aku pon xtau bile abg aku g..taun lepas kot...very the kuat jalan sampai aku pon leh terlepas pengetahuan.....cherry plak errrrmm....abih dah...selera org putih ko....xper..nanti kalo de sesapa g aussie lg aku mintak die beli...abg aku ckp 20aus jer...20 * 2.5 = rm50.00 per kg. eh, yer ker?? ker per 4 kg...4 kg kot sbb my lovely bro beli dlm kotak 20aus jer...1 kotak 4 kg... :P...aper pon tue mmg permintaan aku...sbb aku tau...kalo mkn reramai xyah bayo...hehehehe.... kalo sekilo rm50, lbh baik aku beli kt jaya groceries...same jer...tul x??

errr....abg aku jenjalan free yer kwn2...abg aku keje biasa jer...gaji pon biasa jer.... sbb die keje kt company tue dpt la tiket free...tuk adiknyer cuma de discount jer...kt tempat die g plak slalu jer de kwn2 die melepak disana...so that, mmg very the jimat la kalo abg aku g vacation...huhuhu..jeles i


Grrrr...ngantuk sih....buat menatang nih...panjang sungguh ko tr9...kalo ko salah condition akan ku lempang diri ku ini...dah panjang meraban...lg mau tukar ka??? panjang sih....xlarat aku nk check all the tables and fields...rehat jap kepala aku...isnin is the dateline..but i don't think so...sbb cm de clash jer spec...kena kajian terperinci la plak...xdapek den nk focus nih....nk tanya tuan empunya..die cuti cny la plak....

hopefully my mood are recovering enough tomorrow...then the report will be finish on friday...heavenly...

ingatkan nk stay for today but i don't think so...i'm really not in mood...holiday mode...maybe on tommorrow i will stay...huhuhu....today i will declare all the fields and tables only....also about fm for the date...just copy and paste from the previous report...which is also mine....

fico, fico and fico....3 report already...1 mm...i want mm lor...or sd...or pp...not fico...enough with fico...tired maaaa...


keje aku dah siap...si tr10 la kan...tup...tup... dapat new spec..okla....xdela boring sgt...but...tgk2...fico spec..what?? again???my real nightmare........

huhuhu...dulu punya la xmau fico...all need calculation and true logic...but in tsh project fico are very though..huhuhu...mampus den....buat jer la...monday evening is my dateline...hopefully i'm not dying...huhuhu.....tr9..here i come...

p/s:- sempat lak aku memblogkan diri...huhuhu...xsedar sungguh...


wah....boring...keje kan dah siap tp aku xtau la bile orgnyer akan buat testing...jejangan die cuti dak???ntah...hehehehe...yg ptg tanggungjwb aku dah abis...huhuhu.....buat sementara la...naik cuti nih akan ku kejar die semula...wah....cm fbi lak aku..

semalam baru blk dr rumah mak..cm biasa la aku jd driver...penat sih...sampai mlm td aku rasa cm xleh tido jer.....aku biasa la....kalo nk tido semua kena selesa...memilih...aduih hai cik farzilah..


Arrggghh....aku kena buli td....ngan Gen2 plak tue...hello....aku xheran la Gen2 ko kalo ko tue xtau adab kt jalan...aku pon bayar road tax tau....

nk tau pesal per aku cm org meroyan...sakit hati aku tau ngan org cmnih...jantung aku pon sakit...bile la aku nk de driver sendiri nih...xlarat nk bawak kete kt kl nih....

td mase aku nk g mkn...bwk la kete cm biasa...n sgt la jem...mungkin sbb org nk solat jumaat kot..pastu dela satu kete Gen2 tue....warna gold kot...marahnyer pasal aku lupa color per...
die potong ikut kiri..kiri tue de ruang sikit tuk berenti sbb de bus stop...hangin tul aku...lagi sikit nk langgau....aku hon panjang...tau malu naikkan tingkap...hangin weh...sapa xhangin...mementang miss K aku tue bunyi cm anak tikus...ko xheran ek...xper...nanti aku tukar hon lori...biar semua org berenti pandang ko...

pastu aku jalan lg dengan kebengangan...kt satu simpang nih...de satu kete...vios....aku dah dekat dah nih ngan die...die boleh klua dr simpang sbb nk u-turn...berderu darah aku naik ke muka...jantung aku nk rehat la weh....lelama cmni...cepat jer aku arwah tau...

baru la aku tau...nape org kl banyak benau sakitnyer kronik nyer....hari2 jantung terkejut...petang nih xtau la...mesti teruknyer...sbb cuti CNY kan???

aper pon...Happy Chinese New Year yer kawan2.....

Suka ar tgk...

kagum aku negok...xkira la org ckp xsync ker aper ker...yg ptg aku suka tgk....sbb first time aku tgk stomping dance nih dalam kadet Kelly...Hillary Duff main actor die...huhuhu...best..best...layan....

List Of The Year..

Errrmmm....aku nk senaraikan beberapa perkara yang aku nk buat taun nih....

  • Aku nk potong rambut
  • Aku nk tukar tayar kete
  • Aku nk beli perfume bebanyak n buat koleksi
  • Aku nk beli beg lappy + lappy baru yang canggih manggih
  • Aku nk pegi spa sambil tido
  • Aku nk pegi makan seafood
  • Aku nk beli camera 8mp
  • Aku nk pegi jenjalan sambil shopping
  • Aku nk beli tv lcd
  • Aku nk cat semula kete aku
  • Aku nk beli umah sendiri

banyak nih jer list aku nk buat sepanjang taun nih....xper...nanti kalo terpk paper...aku update kan...maner tau aku leh dpt dlm taun nih...hehehehe...gambate...

Last Yesterday...

Last yesterday when i was walking to my car i saw this man in his car.. maybe waiting for his gf.. he was reading a book...not a novel...i thought it more too motivation book for corporate people..

wah..gitu...ermm...xde yang menarik sgt pon.... firstly, i just saw his car...quite new Honda Accord....ermmm...aku dah naik kenal kete mewah sejak keje kt pj nih...every day facing of luxuries car on the road..ala yang lampunye lbh kurang cm bmw...but seriously, i don't like the design...no Honda signature...more like copycat from bmw...i know they facing this issues very seriuosly...every company have their own target but please...don't copycat another people design...you lost ur signature n ur intergrity.....

enaf with the car...aku tgk la org dalam...he is a chinese..kaya weh...dah la muda agi...yer la...Honda Accord kan...xkan rege cam Kancil lak...very young man...maybe family die kaya kot...or he is old enaf but have a cute babyface...maner tau...semua awet muda gitu.....

that not me la talking about people...yang aku plg taksub tgk die adalah pasal buku tue....he got money as book mark....just like me...i like used money RM1 as bookmark because the bookmark also having same price(RM1) ..... yer la...bookmark aku sokmo ilang jer dlm novel...abg aku nyer keje la tue....huhuhu....then i luv to used money for that purpose...maner tau xde duit leh guna...kalo ko beli bookmark leh gadai ker kalo xde duit??hehehe...

tp kepada sesapa yg berangan nk pinjam buku aku n see all those bookmarks...xde dah nyer...i just do it when i'm studying. sekarang cmner nk de bookmark...xdak buku langsung...i just reading online novel lately...no books at all..

i told you...i' not the old farzilah...quite different from the old one...


Aku rasa aku demam la....demam mengada2...huhuhu....boleh dpt MC x gak nyer??? ada sesapa doc x yg baca blog aku nih???

please doc.....i want 2 days leave for thurs and friday, i really hope for it...huhuhu...

Hanya Allah saja yang tau...beban kt kepala den nih.....


Hujan yang turun bagaikan airmata...

Hujan oh hujan ..............

kumpulan Hujan............

kenapa semua pasal hujan???

sbb kt luar hujan la....lebat lak tue......

wawawaaaaa......hujan....kl.....jem....pj....jem jugak.....

sekian sahaja untuk entry kali ini...selamat main hujan.....

p/s :- ntah paper ntah si farzilah nih..xde keje ker???

Malaysian for Peace..

Tajuk...xhengat..hehehe....xdelah....td mase aku blk keje...mcm2 org aku jumpa...tp kuang ajo weh...lampu dah merah dok selamber jer cilok....yg tersepit aku la...mementang aku ngan Miss K...lain kali aku kena bwk kete kebal la aku rasa...padan muka kete lain...

suddenly aku nampak satu sticker nih...Malaysian for Peace...tetiba teringat kisah aku kt Gopeng...ada seorang mamat tue aku n kawan2 aku pgl die Malaysian for Peace...nak tau nape?? sbb die pakai benda tue pada beg die...depa2 nih mmg la ingat nama mamat nih tp yang lampir nyer aku la...susah benar nk ingat nama orang...nk sng cite...depa pgl la panggilan tue...nk senang aku recall...heehe..paper pon..kepada Malaysian for Peace , aku minta maaf la panggil ko cmtue...nama ko susah sgt...cuba nama ko atan ker...abu ker...mesti aku xlupa....hehehehe...

Peace no War babeh....

xtau cmner benderanyer??? meh aku tepekkan kt sini...

yg nih plg closela...xjumpa dah bendera berabad tue kt tenet...huhuhu...


Wah...baru nk berazam ko wahai farzilah....

first azam...

aku nk potong rambut...pendek...maleh dah bela rambut panjang...jd curly rambut aku yg lurus xberapa dah nih....
nk potong cmner ek????


ni paling aku berkenan...layer pendek..nipis dan pendek...senang nk urus..aku kan malas..hehehe....tp sesuai ker???

ni pon ok gak...tp cm malas jer nk simpan rambut depan panjang2....rambut aku dah curly la...naya tull....

nih dah biasa aku buat....ok gakkan??kalo rebonding ok kot...kalo rambut dulu pon ok kot...tp rambut sekarang???uwwwaaa............

nih cm rambut sblm nih...cuma beza rambut depan...fridge...mungkin aku pertimbangkan....huhuhu...tp tang bawah mesti jd curly gitu...uwwwaaaaaaa..................nk blk rambut lurus i.....

aper-aper pon...tunggu jer la keputusannyer...hehehehe.....


Wah...esok dah isnin la babe...mlm ni AJL...xtau la dapat tgk ker x...huhuhu...isnin malas tul aku nk g keje esok.....biasala...Monday blues...
so....the topic today is...how to see online tv??? huhuhu..aku nk sgt tgk tv online...sesapa boleh bantu enggak?? ala...aku tgk kt umah bukan kt office...huhuhu... :P

Kawan Ker???

Aku ada kisah yang menyayat hati la kirenyer....dan sedikit confius....begini kisahnyer.......

Aku ada seorang kawan...pada suatu malam yang hening, (eh,knp ayat aku m nk amik SPM???huhuhu) ok...blk pada cite aku la...pada suatu mlm la kan...kete kawan aku nih kena pecah...front and side...abis la rete die dalam kete tue ilang...lgpon mase tue die ngan member die dok mkn kfc...so all things die tinggal dlm kete before go back home...so semuanya penyamun tue sakau...dah nama pon penyamun...

sbbkn hal tue...die berceritala pada kawan die a.k.a partner die in bisnes...ko tau aper partner die ckp???...nk kata partner die tue bodoh piang graduated from Harvard University....confius aku yang xberapa cerdik nih...partner die ckp.."Ala...U yang pecahkan cermin kete U". korang xrasa tue ayat bodoh plg bangang dlm abad nih ker??? aku xtau la penah wujud org cmnih....bukan musuh but consider as kawan la bile dah jd partner kan???(ada ker musuh jd partner???)

Aku yang jd tukang dengar nih pon very shocked...gile ker nk pecahkan kete sendiri?? bukan murah oo....front and side passangers mirror tue dah dekat rm1k...duit tue weh...bukannyer daun kutip tepi jalan....gile tul...kalo aku la....org cmtue aku xkn baik dah + pelempang free 1....he/she will stab us back....sorry to say la...kite bukan terlalu muda untuk menilai...n for org yang perangai cm nih...sila la berubah...when you stab people, u will suffer worst than u did....(agree??)..kepada kwn2 aku yang aku kasihi...if u facing this kind of people..beware...depa xkn nk tgk korang senang n die hanya nk bermegah dengan aper die ada walau xsebeberapa........seriously.... org mcm nih aku panggil lalatz jer...xpon langau....sibuk jer...menyemak dalam hidup....tp kekadang jd perasit la jugak.....huhuhuhu..wajib ditinggalkan....

sesapa merasakan kawan2 die hanya tergolong dlm golongan ini..meh kawan ngan aku meh...aku ok jer...but kena tahan la ayat laser cik kiah aku...(opps.....kiah...pinjam nama)hehehe...

Kenduri Kawen2


Menara Condong Teluk Intan

masa makan kt Tapah with my bfs (Q a.k.a Mr Driver + Seb)

ni jer la beberapa preview aku bg..lenlain please ask me to send them..seriously..dlm kepala aku terlalu banyak benda yang aku lupa...kuat mkn kepala ikan kot....then..you need to remind me again and again about this pic ok...

( jgn salahkan aku pasal benda nih..salahkan Q sbb die yang bwk penyakit berjangkit nih...penyakit pelupa :P )

Pemanduan Berhemah

Hari ni aku drive mcm biasa..biasalakan si Miss K tue...pastu aku nk masuk kiri..nk masuk TSH blk la...tup2 org blkang aku punya la deras nk potong aku..ingat kan nk masuk kiri gak...tp aku bengang la sbb aku dah bg signal lama dah...sabo dulu...pastu rupa2nyer die nk masuk kanan...hampeh tul...aku cm nk terlepas lorong ko boleh slumber jer...nasib badan la...nasib aku xde camera..kalo ada sudah aku amik gmbr kete die n snap die punya no plat...biar di 'banned'. mentang2 kete mewah...weh..ingat aku heran ngan kete ko??? gi masuk sek memandu semula la ...blaja undang2 blk... bolayan...

aku xpahamla...selalu aku mesti kena ngan kete mewah...geram nyer aku...mentang2 aku ngan Miss K jer.. korang buli ek...aku pon bayar road tax la... xper...lepas nih kalo aku de camera akan ku snap kan gaya kekurangan keajaran korang tue pastu publish kt blog...biar semua org take note ngan kete ko... ADA PAHAMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kenduri Kawen1

For Seb and Ummi...sorry for the lateness....korang tau kan akukan pemalas and i'm really sorry about it...nk upload kt fs berejam weh...jumpa korang lupa nk bwk lappy pinjam nih....then this is only the preview..nanti if we meet again, please remind me about this pic wokeh...nearly a year i saved it for you guys...peram buat pekasam..hehehe...

First Sesat sblm jumpa Mr Driver.............Area Damanasara gak la...Dekat ngan IKEA..

Nyibuk kt pelamin org...

With my gurlz....except Ummi's hubby :P

Unique Bf ( the 3 stroogers )

Ummi...for this time being i really regret i didn't come to ur house to see you in Kedah before akad nikah walaupon dah nearly a year berlalu ...damn regret about it...aku terpaksa membekukan cuti aku coz i'm still in academy masa tue...nk tgk ko ulang tayang semula xdolakan..but nanti aku kawen...jemput datang yer sayang..hehehe....

Hope u will happily ever after...aper pon cobaan..jgn putus asa yer..if u need someone..i will always beside u....muaahh...

p/s: aku suka kawan ngan isteri org..they are very rajin...esp tang masak...jgn lupa ajak den..hehehe...

Betul Ker???

huhuhu...nih la hasil org kebosanan...aku dok memain ngan benda nih...nih pon salah satu dr nyer la...aku try 5 gambar babe...semua xkonsistent...tipu la tue kan..hahhaha...lain sudut lain miripnyer...but the important things is aku lebih kepada rupa ayah aku...wah...anak ayah gitu...
teringat zaman aku kt Gopeng dulu...masa tue tgh hangat cite LOTR....depa suka kata aku cm prince of elf tue..sapa ek nama die...errrmmm...ha...si Legolas tue...aper yg sama?? tang mata jer..
aku kalo ketawa mata tutup abis..cm anak cino...tue la...mata aku nih kocik jer.....ketawa sampai klua air mata ooo...dasat dulu kalo ketawa..... nway, my girlz semua bz la....aper2 pon hopefully korang get the best...i'm alyawz pray for you gurlz....

Sony Warehouse Sales...

Ni de warehause sale kepada sesiapa yang nk beli pc or lappy baru..

cara die trade in yang lama ..then get rebate for new one...

ok gakkan??? rm500 weh rebet tue dr lappy or cpu u korang jd aquarium lbh baik korang trade in beli baru...but just for sony la..Vaio Pc/Lappy..

Adakah aku dibayar tuk buat iklan???xde maknanyer...aku pon nk g usha jugak..hehehe...

JOM SERANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: address tue mcm aku kenal la.....ermm.................


Wah gitu ayat aku....tp mmg hakikat la aku frust gile ngan seseorg nih...
camner aku nk ckp dah....tolong la wahai manusia psyco...jgn kaco aku dah..
kalo ko rasa aku menggugat ko...sila la bgtau...ni main serang hendap palk...nk jd komunis ker??

(ayat2 lbh kurang mcm entry sblm nih jer kan??)

kan ada de cite yang seorg psyco tue dok kaco aku ngan kwn baik aku tue...aku xtau la aper die dengki sgt dgn hubungan kiteorg tue.....malam td aku de bace satu blog nih....ayat die sama cm ayat ym psyco tue....dikalangan org yg baik ngan member aku tue la....sabau jer la...aku xexpect pon tue die....hancur hati ku ..mengenang dikau..(versi dewa 19 wokeh)...

kali nih aku nk ckp la aku xde perasaan pon ngan member baik aku tue...xde cinta2 pon...aku xpernah conquer hidup die...aper aku ckp based on aper aku tgk...aku tegur die sbb die member aku...kawan yang jujur sepatutnya menjadi cermin kepada diri kite...so..aku jujur baik ngan die n jujur berkawan ngan die...ada paham...susah la ngan org yg xpaham nih...yer la yang jeles xmenentu cm org mereng per kes??? meroyan ker?? suka ker nk putuskan silaturahim org...dulu boleh la aku ikut perasaan..sekarang semua dah matang maa....kalo xpuas hati sila jumpa aku nih ha...ckp...jgn mcm nih...xaman hidup aku bile org mcm ko sekeliling aku..padahal aku xkaco hidup ko...ko kaco la hidup aku...ko xkn tenteram sampai bebila....

don't u understand malay??or u want me to talk in english???


Ermmm...kali nih aku bercakap tentang PBOUS...atau nama penuh die Persatuan Barah Otak & Urat Saraf...aku nih just sesaja join aritue..member aku suruh tgk cmner society die gather infomation and doing activities...aku pon nk tgk jugak sbb they been here in 4 years ago but only have fews members..kenapa ek???

ceramah pasal cancer payudara...
notis for guys...cancer payudara is not only for woman but man also.
so...bersama2 kite jaga diri...

ceramah dr pesakit canser saraf....this is tragic...kesian tau...tangan n kaki dah bengkok....fyi pesakit cancer otak n saraf yang telah menjalani pembedahan akan ada effect la...cm dah xjd cm manusia normal...they suffer from few things...they cannot do hard work...kalo korang nk tau...aku jumpa seorg engineers baru jer kena bedah..suffer from cancer otak...kesian..terus xleh keje...jalan pon xsempurna....

menceritakan tentang dana yang boleh dimohon..sebab kebanyakkan pesakit adalah tergolong dalam OKU maka mereka mempunyai keistimewaan untuk mendapatkan dana sara diri dari beberapa pertubuhan...tp rupanyer bukan mudah nk dapat dana...sampai nk kena gaduh berhentam la bagai...aduih hai...tue la org sihat...cuba jgn naya org sakit...they all suffer alot tau...kalo korang kena cmner???

(ermmm...tp confius la...kenapa org sakit dok bwh matahari n org sihat bwh shades??? hehehe...terutama sekali dak baju kuning tue...cm pernah kulihat...tp dimananyer???)

maklumat lanjut...korang boleh pergi theirs blog:


........sama2 kite bantu membantu dalam hidup ini agar hidup terus bermakna......


wokeh x art nih....walau sempoi cm budak2 sek rendah yang buat but still a good moment for me....to Pn Ummi and Seb..thank u very much being such a good fren till now...

Small Gathering...

nih gambar kengkawan aku last yer...donno bile boleh gather cmnih lg...semua bz...keje la...studyla...rumahtangga la...so...i just cherish the moment we meet before..wokeh guyz and gurlz............

Kawan ker Lawan...

aku ada kisah nk syer...aku ada la sorang member nih...lelaki...member baik gak la...lama dah kenal...lebih 5 taun...(Psyco baca tue...lebih 5 tahun tau)

cerita die bermula bergini...suatu hari cuti dan esoknyer bekerja bg sesapa yang bekerjala....aku chatting ngan member aku nih...tp ayat die...mmg xhengat...menyampah betul aku....sakit hati pon nyer...tikam jantung, hati n perasaan tau...aku punya bengang...last2 aku xlayan..

then 5 days later...die tegur aku sml dlm ym....aku malas nk layan...tp die dok kaco gak...angin aku datang la...so..i make a confession..(korang ingat bercinta jer boleh confess..berkawan pon perlu...kenala clear cut aper xpuas ati...nanti salah paham kan payah) aku ckp aku xsuka ym die yg 5 hari lepas tue....aku agak hangin la kan sambil tulis tue....

tup...tup...die cakap bukan die...eh???sapa plakkan???aku mmg de comparekan ym die sblm nih...mmg de lain sikit...yg aritue cm xhengat...aku pon pelik la kan...last2 die ckp bukan die...ntah sapa la yg menyamar jd die...tau id die...n masalahnyer knp ek ngan psyco tue...

oittt...ko kenapa ek psyco...gile ek...tue kawan baik aku tau...sekasar2 aku gurau ngan die tp xpenah aku tersentap cm ko buat tau...kalo ko xpuas ati ngan aku...meh la jumpa...xyah la nk guna cra psyco tue...menyampah aku tau...huhuhu...aku ngan kawan2 aku ada hubungan istimewa ygorg lain xkn tau trend die...so sile back off kalo nk menyamar2 nih wokeh???

ke ko nk kena cmnih???

'Next Entry' aku

okla...ni aku nk ceritakan pasal 'next entry' aku tue yg aku rasa cm nk meletup...

sebenarnya ia adalah pesanan penaja (aku sendiri) kepada masyarakat sekeliling.

untuk pengetahuan anda, saya Farzilah Zakaria tidak lah hadap sangat dengan lelaki yang telah dimiliki.bear in mind ok...aku dah penat dah benda nih terjadi kt aku...dr zaman sek dulu sampai aku dah keje...xabih2....

apepasal aku rasa perempuan dah ramai yg psyco sampai nk serang2 aku....oh ,babe....aku xhadap ngan harta org..kalo ko letak duit berjuta depan aku pon...aku xkn amik wokeh....i'm not interested...kalo duit pon aku xheran...nih kan plak lelaki2 kepunyaan memasing...udah2 la tue serang hendap aku..

jgn pk aku sesorang xde sesapa kt side aku, korang ingat aku nk caras pakwe, tunang or laki org tau.xde maknanyer....aku berkawan dengan orang yg aku suka...suka xbermakna cinta...kalo xcaya tanya la kawan2 aku kt sek ker...u ker...xdela dalam sejarah hidup aku, aku caras pakwe org tau...

so, girls...don't be funny or stupid wokeh...

kalo x...inilah yg layak tuk ko....biar betul fius.....ada paham???

Detik 4.04 pm

Wah....dah nk balik...kojo xsiapa gi nih...mana la budak nih...respond la email aku...kojo den xsiap agi....den kono pelangkung kang...ekau jawab yoo... tinggal 5% jer yg tinggal...pastu submit tuk testing...hopefully xde perubahan...xtahan la plak bile asyik berubah jer spec nyer...sampai cm nk tertanggal la plak spec aku nih....

mesti korang pelikkan aku keje per?? aku baru jer keje...nk dekat setaun...bulan 3 nih setaun la...huhuhu...junior lg ma...tue yg terhegeh2 wat keje tue....banyak benda xtau...dpt otai pon alahai....lain negara lain bangsa lain agama....manyak masalah oo...cm xcaya jer dalam project nih aku sorang jer muslim....what happend?? nothing la...they are just nice...but keje kena explain banyak kali baru depa paham....nasib sifu online jer..yer x sifu?? belajar dr yang terbaik...insyaallah kite akan jadi terbaik...so...dah dpt teka ker keje per cik farzilah kite nih???

jom tgk clue nyer..( cm main blue's clues plak)...

korang nampak x clue nyer??? aper xjelas??? xnampak????
ermm....cmtue aku up sikit...another clue......

ok dah...nampakkan?? xnmpak jugak??? xmo la aku layan dah...loteh den...

1st entry...

Errrmmm....aku bukannyer rajin sgt nk blogging nih...tp tersangat la bosan keje nih... time tension, ooo...xhengat...time relax...ooo...xhengat gak...huhuhu.. mungkin ada yg terkejut tgk aku memblogkan diri(eh, betul ker aper aku tulis nih) ..nasib la yerk..


aku welcome kan diri aku sendiri dlm dunia blog nih...hehehe..(xmalu wish diri sendiri) suka hati aku la. blog aku per...korang gi la telek blog korang...jgn kondem blog org lain..xbaik tau...


aku boring bangat nih...akunyer dateline arinih...tp data xdak lor...jd error la plak...mampus aku kena pelangkung ngan team lead kang...huhuhu...'en, sy xbersalah...sy hanya penunggu yg setia...huhuhu.'. xpuas ati betul kena sound pasal keje..eh, hengat aku nih suka anta keje lambat..kalo xde org melambatkan xdela aku nk anto lambat...beban tuh..kalo boleh 3 hari aku dah nk anta...tp dok ade jer yg berubah...yer la sedangkan pantai lg berubah nihkan plak spec keje kan???

3rdly ...

aku nk bgtau kt semua...nih aku tulis tuk next n3.....panjang sikit..hehehe... paper pon ....


6.05 pm la...

ermmm....dah waktu blk da....nampaknyer keje den kena sambung esok la...alahai...puas dah menunggu...hampeh jer kan aku...mase keje pon buat blog...xper...
malam kang kite sambung for the previous entry tue aku de ckp special entry for allz kan?? huhuhu....ok...tonite is our date....waiting is a hard touture...but still want to say.........
"dont care"