13 march 2011

errmm....pejamcelik pejam celik lama dah xtulis pape kt blog ni...dah berabuk dah...hampeh je kan...

nothing much can be said sbb aku pon ngan free sgt2..xde project la kate kan..dah sebulan lebih aku xde project..bosan ya rabbi...tp maybe things will be better on april...only God knows...

semalam Q kawen...ramai nye org kawen...errmm...26 is the perfect age for married kan?? but before aku rancang umo 27 nak kawen??? boleh ke??? dah bosan2 cmni aku rasa kalo kawen best gak..leh la ade focus kit...ni xde menda nak wat...gile mati bosan...i wish i have a baby rite now... xde la cm org ckp anak2 kurang kasih syg bile ibu bapa bekerja...hahaha..ni maknye ngah menganggur sampai 2 bulan... :P

seems like people start to forget me.. they called me with other colleague name... baru sebulan lebih i leave the project and they start forgetting me ... kalau setaun cmne la yer???

ape2 this month can be said my month...promotion(walau dah expired), hotskills bonuses for June and Sept(never thought will get it because i dont have project to charge on..thanks HR..), community event at Genting and exciting project interview ( of course i love it..it is about PM)..cukup la kan...lucky draw?? i am not kind of lady who is always have good luck..xpernah dapat pon...walau ramai2 dapat...punya la kan...hahaha... i wish i have better life and get married soon...

the sadness part is bile org tanya wish project u are joining...rasa nk nagis kot...sunyi je jiwa xde keje ni sbb otak xpk pape...badan pon dah naik ngan jayanye...asyik dok je kt umah kan...mane nk bakar lemak2 ni...aduih...i hope i will get the role...

pray for me people...