
mlm td aku mimpi benda sgt pelik...

suasana cam kt muadzam dulu..ada pasar tani semua bagai..tp aku jenjalan di kaki lima kedai..suasana agak muram n suram..musim ujan kan...pastu adala cm sesi kejar mengejar antara 2 makhluk yg aku mmg xkenal sapa..pastu aku naik tangga nk kekedai yg berderet tue..leh aku jumpa sekor hamster yg ter over cute..wana putih n light coklat..cute gile ar..bersih lak tue...hamster tue cm ketakutan..aku amik and terus bawak blk...tp on da way aku blk, ramai pertikai kan aku amik hamster tue...dieorg ckp aku xde hak..tp bile aku tanya kalo aku tinggalkan hamster nih nk ke depa amik..xde pon sesapa jawab...pastu terus aku terjaga...

agak2 korang la...mimpi aper la yg aku merepek nih kan..setau aku, aku xdela fancy sgt ngan hamster..kalo kucing tue aku agak gilo la sikit...nih cik ti..alahai...nanti aku nk pk mimpi pe yg best tuk mlm nih..huhuhuhu...

Disember is coming....

Disember winter or summer???

jawapan die musim ujan..hahahahaha...name pon mesia kan..mane de salji...

disember dah menjengah...azam taun lepas xlepas2..cmno??? dah nak masuk taun baru..hope for nothing...tension je kan..

sapa kate 2009 ong...xdo maknonye...payah adalah..errmm..kite tgk la cmne taun depan..manyak ong ka tarak...

wut ever la.. kepada semua..

selamat hari raya qurban setelah beberapa hari berlalu..
selamat pengantin baru kepada sesapa yang melangsungkan perkahwinan..
selamat bersunat kepada kanak2 yang akan menempuh dunia dewasa..(xyah la dewasa..boring)
selamat bercuti kepada bebudak sekolah..
selamat bekerja kepada yang bekerja..
selamat la segalanya...

pandu dengan cermat agar jiwa pon selamat dikala musim persekolahan ini...

:P...kawan oh kawan

ada seorang kawan berkata kepada kawannya..kawan menangis susah nk cr kawan bersuka ria ramai sungguh..org selalu mengharapkan bantuan dari kita tetapi bila kite sendiri meminta bantuan semua mahu mengelak...huhuhu...mmg slalu keadaan mcm nih berlaku..aku xpernah nk nafikan...

tp bagaimana nk pilih sahabat yang bebenar memahami kan..tp kadang kala kite terlupa ad juga kite sendiri abaikan sahabat yang boleh diharapkan..

renung2 kan dan selamat beramal

malam td..

malam td cousin aku kawen di masjid wilayah jalan duta kl..aku biasala..sampai lambat sikit..tp lom akad..aku xmasuk pon..tgk dr luar je...hensem gak mamat nihkan..betul la org ckp..pengantin mane yg xhensem kan..pastu dah selesai baru aku masuk...sbb baru nmpak abg aku n all my cousin..hahahha..dah selamat baru nk menebeng muka..

masa sesi sesalam antara pengantin n keluarga aku cm ada terasa la sikit..bayangkan la..boleh dieorg buat cm xnmpak kt aku..xtegur ker ape ke...wowowowo...terasa beb..sbb aku dok sebelah akak die je..die dtg salam akak die tp muka aku xdipandang langsung..cm aku invi je kan..kalo aku invi mmg kena sekeh pengantin tue..goram den..xpe..bg can..

memandangkan aku dah kena sound ngan pakngah aku soh datang kalo x mkn pelompang..so aku kena la datang majlis malam nih..betapa la kan jd wakil mak ayah aku..kenduri kt rumah pakngah aku xconfirm la plak aku blk ke x..wah..ada kono marah ni kang...hahaha..shyyyyyyyhhhh...sonyap2 sudah..hahhaha...

end of story mory, selamat pengantin baru buat cousin aku, angah..semoga berbahagia..

fyi:- aku sosek kt mount kiara malam td..jalan sehala aku tibai lawan arus...nasib xde kete..huhuhu....ape pon aku selamat sampai umah..aku sangat rabun jalan yer especially waktu mlm..so kalo soh aku jln memalam sila pk banyak kali..tempat 10 minit leh sampai sejam..i very feel unsecure kalo jalan waktu malam..if i drive..hahahha..


kenapa menangis??

1) tanda kite lemah

2) tanda kekecewaan yang sanagat dalam

3) tanda putusnya harapan

4) tanda benci tp kasihkan seseorang

5) tanda dipermainkan

6) terdapat gangguan dalam pemikiran

7) sakit hati yang mendalam

8) saja-saja

9) kerana mmg suka jd drama queen...

sila la pilih...

Pernah x??

Pernah x korang rasa sunyi sgt hidup korang...ada masalah tp xdapat nk luahkan pada sesapa....ada org tersayang tp xrasa disayangi...ada rakan rapat tpxboleh dipercayai??

bunyi cm fishy je kan?? aku dengar satu lagu motivasi but suddently aku down sgt..sepatutnya aku rasa semangat tp aku rasa sebaliknya..cm ada boundries antara lagu tue ngan aku...dlm hati n otak aku berkata-kata..korang xrasa ape aku rasa..korang xlalui ape aku lalui...korang xlihat aku aku lihat...kekadang aku pelik..mcm mana aku lalui kehidupan tanpa berfikir...dengan ignore semua benda yang mendatang...berlakon seolah2 tiada benda berlaku...hebat nya aku jd pelakon pentas kehidupan...sampai satu tahap aku xboleh nk terima kekalahan yang aku hadapi..bukan nk salahkan takdir tp aku menyesal apa yang terjadi...aku salahkan diri sendiri and semua yang terlibat...tp inilah takdir yang perlu aku tempuhi...sampai satu tahap aku berfikir ape sebenarnya aku lakukan..

orang suka bercakap..."fa..ko happy je..mcm xde masalah"..ada pembetulan disitu..aku ada banyak masalah..sama seperti orang lain and mungkin lebih teruk dr orang lain..cuma aku xsuka memikirkannya..sbb bile terlalu fikir aku rasa cm xnk hidup dah..aku akan jd down sgt..sekarang nk hidup pon sipi2 je semangat yang tinggal...

kekadang aku pk gak...aku nih bermimpi ker??kenapa aku berlakon?? ada skript ker?? tp aku sendiri xde jawapan..aku berlakon utk diri aku...aku sedang menipu diri aku sendiri...aku menipu untuk hidup...aku menipu untuk kwalan diri...aku menipu untuk tidak jatuh sakit...kesimpulannya aku adalah penipu......ya Allah..aku sgt stress sekarang...aku adalah boneka utuk seorang perempuan bernama farzilah...boneka yang pandai berkata2..yang pandai berjalan and pandai menipu diri sendiri..

Kawan Ker??

Slalu dengar orang cakap lelaki n pompuan xleh berkawan tanpa perasaan cinta?? ye ker??? aku sebnrnya xberapa setuju....dlam dunia nih ada 2 je jenis manusia..lelaki n pompuan...setiap kepala ada pendapat memasing n pendapat itulah akan membezakan setiap kejadian...

pendapat itu yang akan membuka mata setiap manusia..ada yang bernas ada ynag hancur..biasa la..lain padang lain belalang..semua ada pengalamn sendiri..apa salah kite berkongsi pengalaman itu supaya kite menjadi waspada..perlukah cinta dalam setiap perhubungan?? 

bagi aku cinta tidak perlu...yang perlu adalah kasih sayang.itu pon amat memadai untuk mengutuhkan ikatan persaudaraan sesama manusia..

contoh plg nyata dlm cite one tree hills...haley n lucas...depa hanya berkawan...xde pon bercinta..siap haley kawen ngan kembar lucas lg..nathan..so, persahabatan antara dua jantina tidak memerlukan cinta ok...agree???angkat tangan...

Reality TV

Penah x korang penah rasa or jd penonton sesuatu yang mcm dalam tv??
aku penah...aku rasa cm tgk cite 999 secara live...boleh x??

cmnih cite dei...suatu malam...aku klua with a fren..g McD..kire blk dah lewat mlm ar...gara-gara cr power supply + wifi la nih...so siap keje die anta aku blk...n nk dijadikan cerita on da way nk blk tue aku perasan banyak gile kete polis..bukan stakat keje...truck n jeep siap moto lg...package la..semua ada...pelik gak..ada sesapa kena ambush ke??aku terdetik dalam hati..tp aku xdela amik port...sbb area pj nih mmg banyak polis n aku hari2 lalu kwsn roadblock...agak2nyer kan kalo polis yg sama yang jaga, maunye die kenal muka aku...

okeh, blk pada cite semula...aku pon blk..pastu aku nmpak satu kete polis kt simpang...lom pelik agi...pastu lepas masuk simpang aku nmpak jeep polis + moto polis...depa dok discuss...aku dah pelik sikit..mmg area aku nih mmg ada polis..so no big deal la...tp pelik la kalo dok polis merayau-rayau..

aku naik kt rumah...dr rumah aku yg tinggi tue aku terperasan sesuatu.ada truck kt depan tempat development...huhuhu..rupa2ya ada ambush pasal PATI...ada dua tempt..satu kt consruction area, satu agi kt block sebelah..siap de helicopter lak tue dok suluh2..aku jd pemerhati..xtau la kalo ada tv3 tuk 999 kan..tp mmg real la..ramai gile kena cekup...huhuhu..

reality tv for the month..cuma aku xsempat amik gambar..amik gambar pon xguna..xnmpak la...golap2 camtue sapa yg nmpak.... :P

Sudah lama..

Sudah lama aku xupdate...esok penentuan...doakan terbaik tuk aku..huhhuhu...
gosip2 nanti la aku update..huhuhu...
quite busy la skrang...huhuhu..cm pm...

Selamat hari raya...

maaf zahir n batin..memaner yang terasa hati ker..aper2 ker..memacam ker..maaf zahir batin yer..
aku bukan sengaja pon nk mengguris hati sesapa...

aku harap jaga diri bebaik sepanjang raya nih..
bawak kete leklok..makan kuih raya leklok..minum air pon leklok..
jgn lelebih plak..
kang de je org sakit..

yang sakit..dok umah layan tv udah ler yer..huhuhu..
semoga cepat sihat..


sesapa yang berbahagia pada tarikh tersebut, tahniah and selamat berbahagia..untuk aku?? 090909 ada kot good news, tp xdela sebaik mane..suam2 kuku la...tunggu nk mengelegak jee lagi..mesti ada yang nk bertanya ape kebenda la makcik nih membebelkan...

shut ur mouth and just read..bile aku nk reveal aku reveal la..xyah nk sesusah bertanya..korang paksa lg aku xlayan...hahaha...

2009 makin nk tinggalkan kite..and truthly i dont want raya for this year..no mood at all...bayangkan aku demam cm taun lepas..best gak tue..sbb aku xyah layan org datang..pastu xdela nk g umah org banyak sgt..sbb aku pon kepeningan n kedemaman..xde mood langsung...huhuhu

nih awl2 aku xde mood...nanti mesti aku cepat melenting...wah mula tunjuk perangai ntah pape kan..bulan baik nih xbaik kan..nk marah2..tp aku xde mood..bebetul xde mood..

nk bg aku mood?? bg la bank ke kt aku..hahaha..xpon bg klcc pon xper...ai like...hahaha..menara kl la plg busuk..hahahha..terbang ke awan..huhuhu...ia like.......

dah la..makcik nih merepek je..nih dah berapa ari bulankan..lg nk tulis 090909...saja nk glamor..hahaha..

p/s: pn ummi...tq belanja aku asam pedas yg gile pedas tue...berasap aku tau..never though pedas cm tue...

Tak Paham...

ada peribahasa mengatakan kera dihutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan...
korang penah rasa x perasaan tue?lately nih aku terasa sgt...

being Malaysian are really hard..our mentality not change eventhough after 52 years merdeka..

why we like foreigners??

xpaham ai

Hidup kah...

Mesti ramai bertanya kan...hidup lg kah cik farzilah nih...oiii..oiii..aku idup lg walau hidup ku xberapa sempurna...minta la dijauhkan penyakit yang berbahaya....

rindunya aku kehidupan yang ceria..wahahaaha...ayat xhengat..aper pon kepada semua...selamat berpuasa setelah 1/3 dr ramadhan baru aku nk ucap..kan..kan...wah aku kepeningan sekarang nih...huhuhu...

Jagalah kesihatan Anda

Jagalah kesihatan anda dan keluarga..huhuhu..lately nih aku terasa sgt letih..bukan sbb puasa tp batuk xberenti...teruk sgt dah nih sampai aku xselera nk makan pose or sahur. aku penah buka makan roti je 2 keping..pastu xmkn ape dah..aku melepek kt toto...dok depan tv..aku dok batuk2 sampai naik terkeluar anak tekak aku..

pedih gile la...kalo makan nasi plak aku ada muntah2 sikit..batuk sampai muntah..tue paling perit..sampai bile la nk cmnih..aku pon penat gile rasa nya..nk bercakap pon aku rasa cm malas...senyap saja suda..

aku mengurut dada je la bile dah teruk sgt..cm athsma plak kan...mintak dijauhkan..rumah aku nih sejuk kalo korang nk tau..air die lg la teruk...cm ais..aku hyperbola sikit yerk..hahaha..hujan slalu jugak kt sini..tue yg makin teruk tue..ditambah aku sgt xamik gula...gula umah aku abis oii..dah 3 minggu habis bekalan..sweet langsung aku xbeli...nasib badan la...


aku bagun awal hari nih..kepala pusing ar..tp sbb panas berpeluh aku terbangun..

sedar2 hari nih aku kena selsema plak..huih badan nih...esok pose makcik...cepat2 la sihat..

yang aku pelik demam aku nih mase waktu pagi cm ok la..batuk n selsema je teruk..nanti kang maghrib..mula la menggigil kesejukan..pastu lepas aku makan ubat ok balik..pastu bile tgh mlm jd blk..mlm td aku bukan leh tido pon...sejuk gile..cm meracau jugak la aku dibuatnye..

kalo mak ada kan best..huhuhu...tetiba nk blk kan...ingatkan nk blk kg esok..tp kalo cmnih keadaan aku..xleh ar..pening kepala ar..nanti kalo jd pape kan susah..jalan umah aku tue kena berhati2 sikit..kalo umah kt serembankan best..leh pecut..highway je kan...

okla..membebel xsudah2...mulut sihat la tue..hahhaa...adios..

it worse

wahaha...it getting worse la sekarang...aku kepeningan la plak..batuk je getting worse..luckyly aku xdela demam..ia still can take my bath..

today aku melepak je...bangun kol 8 cmtue..makan ubat then ai pengsan...pengsan ker?? hahaha...terjaga pon minum air..makan sup ayam(org sakit pon leh masak tau).. then i get my sleep again..

bestnya tido xhengat..last2 pening kepala..hahahha.padan muka aku..banyak sgt tido...korg kt luar sana, jgn plak korang ikut aku...asyik tido je kan...aku dah makin ok dah...

tang batuk2 tue nanti ok la tue...

seb n zera thank you for your concern...aku makin pulih dah...esok ai ok, ai update lg yer..da..


errmm..aku kebatukan lately nih..bukan teruk..just kahak cm banyak la plak kt tekak..

korang xde petua ke nk bg?? jumpa doc tue last choice la oii...aku xsuka jumpa doc kan...

seb..jgn tambah lauk yer...hahhaha

Beday lagi..

happy birthday pn umi..hope u happiness n joy with ur family..

bile la aku nk merasa anak sedara ntah budak nih..huhuhu...

ko nk tunggu aku kawen ker dulu??
berkurun weh nk nunggu aku..

aper pon..harap hari nih bebetul special tul ko..xkire la ape bendanye..ok??

lov u my buddy..

p/s: oji, jgn marah aku sayang bini hang..huhuhu..

Lupa la plak...

Lupa nk wish kt kak sya pasal beday die..
2nd August 2009

happy beday kak...
hope u will married soon...

hahhaha...dah besau-besau nih tue jer la wish yer...

kawen nanti ai datang rumah u yer..mustinye...ai siap bawak bala tentera lagi..hahaha...

personal wish dah...dlm blog jer lom..hahaha..

Pernah x..

penah x korang termimpi orang yang dah lama xduk dlm ingatan korang?? hari tue aku ada mimpi..aku pelik gile bile bangun..tp sbb dah pagi sangat aku tido blk sbb aku rasa mimpi tue xkan jd betul punya..
nampak sgt mimpi poyo kan..hahhaa...aku xreti nk beza certain mimpi yang konon boleh jd kenyataan...but sometimes aku rasa cm devaju..sbb aku rasa cm pernah lalui keadaan tue...huhuhu..

korang plak cmne yer??pernah ker??


semalam kawan2 aku menyambut hari jd aku n another fren kt a&w.

thanks for the cake ya...luv u gurlz..

yang ada pon bukan ramai..

vip guest aku n shara also rehana...hahaha...vip yang dirai kan lah konon..

and perancang die kak sya...akak i love ur mug...luv u kak..

rehana thanks sbb belanja aku...hahhaha..nanti aku belanja ko plak yer..

kak azwa is our guest..gosip2 sikit la kan...itu perkara biasa..

mmg best la....org a&w tue pon nengok semacam je kan...sbb bwk cake..die org xbg sepah..

tp kiteorg bukan tikus yg makan bersepah...sopan gitu kan...boleh wat calon menantu terbaik lagi..hahaha.

mmg best la..tp xbestnye perut aku meragam...sampai la nih...sbb xbiasa minum air gas kot...smlm ngan perut lapo terus minum air gas...
punya la lama aku puasa air gas...xper la....bukan selalu..tp kan...cmne la raya nanti kan...org slalu hidang air gas...perut2 ko jgn la sensitip sgt...

p/s: gambo aku masuk kemudian..tunggu rehana bg dulu..hahaha..
thanks gurlz..i love u all...


dah lama aku usha lagu nih...korang layan jer la yer...

Day of mine..

hari ni aku melepak je kt umah dr pagi sampai malaam...just to pleasure myself..wahhaha...
cam rumah aku de spa kan?? disebabkan hari nih hari bersejarah aku, so aku biarkan diri aku bermalas-malasan...menambahkan kemalasan dalam diri aku nih..

so for all my fren yang wished me earlier, special dedicated for all of u... i love u all...thanks alot...korang lah hadiah terbesar aku..

kak sya, fini, seb, rehana, zura, bock n pn umi... i really luv u...huhuhu..

yang tertinggal nama...sayang jugak..bukan xsayang..aku kan penyayang...huhuhu...

aper-aper pon..happy birthday farzilah for 24 years old...dah tua ko...


harap-harap aku ada new stage dlm mase terdekat nih...kornag doa-doa kan aku nyer...aku berharap sgt...xlarat dah cmnih....sampai bile aku nk cmnih kan...huhuhu..

Betul Ke?

ermm...aku nk bg tau korang aku ada dapat email dr my beloved uncle(angah) yang menceritakan perihal MJ.. xtau la korang penah dapat ker x benda nih...
jap aku tepek nyer...

Michael Jackson (MJ) was known as the most loving person in the world. He gave up most of his assets for charity and all his life, he fought for equality of the African Americans, AIDS victims, Against Drug Abuse, Against Abortion, Against Child Labor and secretly channelled his properties for the hungry children of the world. However, he wasn't peace at heart. He always think of himself as a child trapped inside a man's body.. Being Peter Pan is all his dream, never to grow up, forever a child. That inspires him to build Neverland - a heaven for children. Children of all ages and races are welcomed to Neverland. MJ had so much love to give.

However, he made a mistake which he didn't know of the consequences. He saw the peaceful life his brother, Jermaine (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) had as a Muslim - true, Jermaine faced so much pressure that he moved to Bahrain.

In 1989, MJ made a press conference which shocked the world, "I have seen the Islam in the life of my brother, I have read the books about Islam. And I'd love to someday feel the calmness and peace of Islam...."

Since that, MJ's life was never the same again.
He was accused of so many accusations against child molestation. MJ was not someone who can deal with much pressure as he is a 'delicate child'. All the extortion and black mail followed after that. Everything he did was being seen as wrong in the eyes of the Media. All these are to influence his fans to hate MJ. If he is hated, then he would not be influencial anymore.

For several years, he stayed in England. Getting motivation from a long time friend, Cat Stevens, who had converted into Islam - named Yusuf Islam. From him, MJ learnt how Yusuf had survived being Muslim. He made friends with a song writer, Zain Bhikha too, who wrote a song titled, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH", which he wanted MJ to sing whenever he is ready.

Following his trial, MJ withdrew to Bahrain, where he was the special guest of sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain’s king. It was then that Michael began to give conversion more “serious thought.”
MJ stayed in Bahrain for approximately 3 years. He studied Islam, the prayers and learn to read the Koran (al-Quran).

Finally, he came back to Los Angeles and in November 2008 MJ had formally converted to Islam in a ceremony at a close friend’s house in Los Angeles.
He perform Haj with the King of Bahrain and son on December 2008.

He had a hidden agenda when he wanted to make a final comeback. He annouced in a press conference on March 2009, "This will be my final concert. I'll see you all in July...."

He planned that during his concert, he would announce that this is the FINAL concert as he wouldn't be performing anymore. He will declare that he is a Muslim and will only sing with Yusuf Islam and Friends.
At the end of the concert, he will be singing the song, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH" with Yusuf Islam. That is the reason why he chose London as his final concert venue instead of the USA. It was because he thought he could escape the USA's extortion, and that he could perform with yusuf Islam who is in England.

At 12.30am, 25th June 2009, he hugged his production manager and said, "After reherasing for 2 months, I am finally ready for the concert..."
Before leaving to sleep, he waved his dancers, "It was a good night everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow..."
The next thing.... He was pronouced dead at 2.26am....

When 911 was called, there are so much questions asked. It is as if they didn't know who MJ is and where he lived. The questions asked are more towards to delay time.
The hospital said the autopsy result can only be obtained after 2 months - very illogical as even the worst African technology could obtain the result in less than 2 weeks.

MJ's family members opt for second private autopsy as they started to feel something fishy is going on. The result came out in about 4 days - MJ was drugged with high dosage of anaesthetic - drug that brings about a reversible loss of consciousness, if used to much could stop the heart from beating.

Another result which was not aired in the media was, MJ's stomach is empty of this drug, but his blood were filled with it - same case as the death of Marilyn Monroe.
The private doctors also found many needle marks, afraid to be forced injections given to MJ on his bed.

In CNN Live after a week, Barack Obama was interviewed. And he said, "I love MJ, I grew up listening to his songs. It is a great loss, but rest assured that there is no conspiracy in his death..."
Now, why must a President made such statement before the official autopsy result came out? How would he know that there is no conspiracy without the post-mortem result? Seems like someone is afraid of his shadows.

MJ was known to the world as a person who is against drug abuse. Why must he be addicted to drug, then? If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?

Enough about his death. I am sure people around the world is not stupid anymore. These supreme power can fool us during the Marilyn Monroe conspiracy, Martin Luther King and Princess Diana. But in this MJ's case, they left too many loopholes for those who think...!!

MJ left us with this unfinished studio-recorded song, GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH.

MJ's family was about to give him a Muslim burial with the help of The Brotherhood of Islam. But, the CIA showed up at Neverland's door - blackmailed them that if they do so publicly, Katherine (MJ's mother) would be pull off from MJ's 3 children's custody as well as MJ's estates. Instead, they'll hire Debbie Rowe for the purpose, and the court will be in their favour. So much for democracy and fairness...

Finally, they agreed to let MJ have a Muslim Burial in Neverland. But in condition, must show to the public a Christian Memorial Service, as to prove to the world that MJ was never a Muslim.

So, Staples Centre was just a normal show. That's why the coffin was closed and sealed.

MJ was buried days earlier. The Gold Coffin was empty. They were about to bury the Coffin according to Christianity ways in Hollywood - as in their deal with the USA Government.

These happened, because the USA is afraid of the rising numbers of Muslims in the world.

(Sheikh Ha**d)
The Brotherhood of Islam
Buletin of Bahrain

kalo korang nk dengar lagu die Give Thanks to Allah...here is is : http://www.filefactory.com/file/ahb80ff/n/Micheal_Jackson_-_Give_Thanks_To_Allah_mp3

harap kite sama-sama renungkan....

BEday oh Beday....

Happy birthday to all my fren yg sambut beday for the first half of the july.

wah...cm nk bentang kewangan la plak kan....aku tau ramai sahabat n kenalan aku beday on july..

go gurlz n boyz..hahha..july power...yg bebulan lain..jgn marah..............

all the best
hope ur azam will come true


wahaha......cam aper jer kan.. kali nih aku nk cite pasal MJ...or Micheal Jackson...

aku confius dalam beberapa perkara la...meh aku senarai kan aper yg aku confius pasal MJ nih walau xdinafikan yg lagu2 die sodap terutama sapa nk belajar menari...yer dak???

  1. aper agama die??? dengarnya islam tp siap buat majlis peringatan plak n nyanyi lagu halaluya tue cm christian la plak...confius..confius..
  2. sebenarnya die nih dah dikebumikan ke belum...dalamm news mmg la..hakikatnya sapa yg tau?? family die jer la yg tau..
  3. pastukan pasal ape yg menyebabkan kematian die??? ubat or mmg mati dalam tido??
  4. pastukan kenapa die xbg harta die kt mak die ker...anak2 ker??? xkn la org yg ada peguam xbuat surat wasiat...confius aku...dah tue aper plak tugas peguam die??? cmtue lebih baik aku jd peguam die sblm nih...huhuhu...kan die kaya kena la wat wasiat...mudah kalo jd paper...xcm sekarang yg hidup dok la klua masuk mahkamah nk kan harta die...susah tul...
  5. pastu kan kepada sesiapa yg nengok majlis peringatan die..korang rasa dlm keranda tue ada ker mayat?? aku xyakin ada..huhuhu....
tue jer la aku leh senaraikan...punya la aku xde keje kan...confiuskan benda yg aku xsepatutnya campur....but if he is a muslim...innalillah..may allah bless u...al-fatihah...but if he not...xtau la nk ckp...takziah jer kot...

Dah lama..

Dah lama aku xupdate friendster...wahaha..maleh la..aku dah xberapa aktif la friendster...ramai yg guna facebook..tagged..semua...aku jer ketinggalan zaman..aku maleh la..friendster pon aku xlalu nk menjaga nihkan plak benda yg lg technology...hahha...

dak it xsuka teknologi n ketinggalan dengan teknologi...cmner tue...xdapek den nk nolong..

seriously aku xde benda nk cite sgt..kalo phase dlm hidup aku berubah...insya allah banyak la citenyer nanti...kalo x, cmnih jer la blog aku..mendengar rintihan aku yg kebosanan...yg lemasnyer korang la yg baca blog aku..hahaha..sorry not no sorry...it just a simple diary that i can write generally..xkan tue pon org nk sekat...cmtue payah la den...sian la kek den nih..


Aku saki kebosanan....huhuhu...tulun2...
konon la kan nk wat entry tiap hari...tp aper yg aku boleh syer?? cite kt tv??

okla...aku mengumpat cite tv jap...huhuhu...
betty minggu nih ok la...xdela drama sgt walau ada la jugak...willy tue jahat la tp aku rasa die pon kenkadang baik jugak...die xsampai hati sbnrnya psal william...errmm...what ever...she is not the mother...xde la plak cite pasal bf betty...dah 2 minggu kot..if i not mistaken...wah...rindu aku kt rehana...hahahha...miss amanda yer... :P

then, shin chan la...aper lagi...hahaha...kesian cikgu die kena main ngan anak murid...semata2 nk cr poskad yg telah dijadikan kapal terbang kertas...tpkan aku pelik la...poskad selalunya kan keras...cmner nk jd kapal terbang kertas?? gile keras nk lipat tue...huhuhu...

mlm aku nengok cite melayu la...cinta contract...fasha n fahrin..ok la...so..so...boring la...cita ringan je...kalo cite lawakkan best...wah..demand ko farzilah...kalo cmtu wat la cite sendirikan...hahaha...nk negok cite korean aku maleh..nk tgk cite yg rehana bg pon aku maleh..maleh nk amik harddisk...teruk kan?? pe leh buat...harddisk tue beberapa langkah jer dr aku...hahahha...kalo boleh aku nk harddisk tue berjalan kt aku...kakaka...

oopps...korang de tgk cite ghost adventure x???ala2 seekers but yg nih nmpak lg real la...seekers letak sukarelawan yg penakut kan..yg nih hanya kru jer jd sukarelawan..bukan org lain..mmg berani la depa...siap dapat rakam suara n go for testing tue aku xtahan...mmg best la...boleh la nk tgk sensorang sbb xnmpak sgt pon bendanye...suara je la...tue pon sbb depa g uji...tp nih bukan cite hari nih ..ok..

esok aku nk wat per ek??? esok aku de rancangan yg best...pasal kete...wahahha...masyuk ooo....xcaya tgk la...ntv7 kol 2-3. tajuk die aku lupa la plak...dah ingat aku tulis..hahhaa....

Sejak Akhir2 Ini

sejak akhir2 nih aku asyik salah taip jer...nape ntah...naik boring la plak..nak nulis ken awat banyak kali..boring ar...

ada sesapa nk ajar aku mengeja ngan betul x??aku nih dah banyak benau trengkasnyer...pastu pepanjang jer salah...wahahahha...


Sesekali teringin plak rasanye nk bela kucing...kekadang cakap ngan kucing lg best dr cakap ngan manusia kan...manusia nih harap jer ckp bahasa sama tp ttp xpaham...cakap bahasa kucing kang cm depa paham...tp nk bela renyah la plak...kotnye aku xde kt umah sapa nk negokkan kucing tue?? xper la...berangan jer la...ok gakkan....moh layan gambau kucing yg aku minat...

dlm banyak2 breed kucing aku suka britih short hair...kalo xsilap aku la, yang iklan whiskas kt tv tue breed nih la..bulu die xpanjang sgt tp menawan...wahahaha...tp kalo nk bulu panjang amik la himalayan doll face persian..wah panjang ko...kucing cmtue mmg slalu jd model iklan...mmg cute la...kalo korang nk tau cat breed poie sini ha..memcam info korang leh tau pasal kucing nih..

i love cat but i cann't kept it..sian aku kan...sapa yg bela kucing...untung korang..huhuhu...
dah la...satu entry merapu lg dr aku...layanz............

p/s: credit to google okeh...

1st July

hari ini dalam sejarah...hahahha...xdo la nk sejarah bagai...saje jer..
special entry for 1st july...
aku rasa dlm bulan july nih nk tulis blog tiap2 hari...memandangkan july is the special month for me...kan2...ermmm...nih bukan azam nye kawan2..nih berangan...hahahaha...cm la aku ada cite nk share sampai nk tulis hari2...

lately nih aku suka masak dorayaki...best ooo..(puji diri sendiri kerana diri sendiri yg makan)..aku buat xde filling kacang merah tue...mane nk cekau....so aku buat biasa je...aku rasa kalo bg bebudak makan mmg depa suka...leh jd doremon...hahahhaa..
cmne nk buat??? senang jer la...pejam mata pon leh buat tau....alkisah aku buat benda nih tuk mkn mlm...kt umah aku mmg kosong...xde menda pon...mmg nk mkn ringan2 jer...so aku check la ape ada kt umah...yg ada tepung jer...so memula aku rasa nk wat cucur kosong...tp cm boring jer...aku tukar nk wat wafle...xde plak tempat bakar...so aku pk nk wat pancake...masalahnye xde susu la plak...mcm2 masalah...lastly aku dapat resepi nih...dorayaki...meh aku tepek jap..

Bahan-bahan ( 10 biji )

  • 100gm tepung kek atau tepung gandum
  • ½ sudu kecil baking soda
  • 60gm gula halus
  • 2 sudu besar madu
  • 2 biji telur
  • ½ sudu besar minyak masak
  • ½ sudu kecil esen vanilla
  • Inti:1½ cawan kacang merah yg manis


  1. Dalam mangkuk besar, pukul telur bersama gula sehingga kembang.
  2. Masukkan madu, minyak dan esen vanilla. Kacau sehingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan tepung dan baking soda yg telah diayak ke dalam campuran telur. Kacau adunan secara kaup balik. Boleh tambah sedikit susu segar/cair jika adunan terlalu pekat.
  4. Panaskan kuali yg tidak melekat (non-stick pan) dengan api kecil, masukkan 1/4 cawan adunan buat bulatan bersaiz 4".
  5. Masakkan sebelah bawah sehingga berwarna perang, masak sebelah atas pula sehingga adunan nampak masak. Ulang sampai habis (20 keping).
  6. Letak 1 sudu besar kacang merah ditengah sekeping pan-cake, tutup dgn satu keping pan-cake. Tekan dgn tangan pelahan-lahan untuk meratakan kacang merah.

resepi nih aku dapat dr sini. credit tue myresipi.tp tang isi tengah mmg aku xbuat la....n aku xde la nk pukul2..nama pon pemalas kan...pastu aku xde guna baking powder...buat cake pon aku xguna..huhuhuhu...then, aku blend jer ngan blender....senang kijo den...xdela nk klua tenaga bebenarkan...tp mmg sedap la..xcaya try by urself...senang n sedap...kalo ada isi lg sedap kot...nanti la aku beli kacang merah tin tue...memula aku ingat nk mkn ngan coklat syrup..buat sendiri sbb aku ada coco yg aku beli wat cake dulu...tp maleh la plak...sbb dorayaki tue dah manis...so mkn gitu sahaja pon sodap...sila la buat resepi nih...okeh...

oi shi...(betul ker ejaan nih??lantak la....)

p/s: gambo aku google yer...thanks google..


Lamanyer aku cuti memblogging...xde cite menarik la...aku nk wat cmner kan..
la nih pon aku xde idea nk tulih pasal per..
aku ngah negok father of the bride 2..
lawak tul cite nih...
bapak die kelam kabut sungguh..nk sambut baby n cucu on th same time...huhuhu..
bapak die walau kedekut tp sporting gile...best la plak kalo ada hubby cmnih...hahahha...kdekut yg xberapa kedekut la kiranya...need to see the woman who handle about it....
berangan la ko cik farzilah kan...hahahha...


korang tau pasal Ruby or in Malay is delima..batu delima la...

nih aku dpt info dr this website http://www.batucincin.com/

Ruby atau batu delima merah dikenali kerana warna merahnya yang menggambarkan perasaan cinta, kuasa dan kemegahan. Inilah raja segala batu permata atau dikenali sebagai "king of germstone"yang begitu popular diseluruh nusantara bahkan seantero dunia. Delima merah amat sinonim dan mashyur dalam masyarakat melayu kerana kecantikan fizikal batu ini dan khasiat yang menjalarinya, batu ini juga sebenarnya terdapat dalam warna merah jambu (pink) dan merah hati (merah tua).

Delima adalah batu permata yang sangat keras dengan ukuran 9 pada bacaan skala Mohs. Delima yang paling popular tentunya berasal dari negara Burma (sekarang Myammar) kerana kualiti dan kecantikan batunya. Walaubagaimanapun terdapat juga bekalan batu delima yang berkualiti yang dilombong dari negara lain seperti negara Afrika selatan, pakistan, Afghanistan, Tanzania dan negara India.

Ruby atau delima merupakan birthstone ataupun batu untuk mereka yang lahir pada bulan Julai. Didalam pengentahuan masyarakat melayu nusantara, Delima merah berada dalam mitos khasiat yang paling tinggi iaitu untuk pelindung diri dari ancaman jahat termasuk sihir, bagi pembesar atau pemerintah, Ruby dikatakan dapat membuka aura keagungan yang menjadikan orang ramai patuh pada pemakainya. Kelebihan Delima merah yang paling masyur dalam masyarakat melayu ialah kebal umum dan bagi golongan peniaga pula dikatakan untuk kekayaan.

kalo nk lebih info. go to this website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby

kenapa aku tetiba cakap pasal ruby nih kan...xdela..aku nk cakap pasal diri aku sendiri...to be frank...aku xminat merah...seriously..xminat... i like baby blue..tp yang menghairankan aku, kalo aku beli baju or barang-barang aku lebih tertarik dengan warna merah..aku xtau kenapa.. n i wonder why......aku tercari2 jawapan pasal benda nih...bile aku baca info pasal july members especially leo baru aku paham...batu for leo is ruby...no wonder la aku tertarik warna merah..n baju aku pon banyak jugak merah...sometime it is good n sometime it is boring...asyik merah jer...boring gakkan...

aku xpernah ada pon batu nih...sesapa nk hadiahkan aku batu nih...aku terima jer...pemberian ikhlaskan...apersalahnye....aku just ada batu zamrud jer....ala..yang color ijau tue...tue pon kawan mak aku bg dulu mase aku kocik2 dulu...tp xpenah pon buat cincin or batu rantai...simpan cmtue je...color mmg xlunturla...nama pon permatakan..bukan tiruan...

but i like diamond..aku ada...yang mengembirakan aku kan tiap kali org tgk jer diamond tue...mesti tanya" eh, baru beli ker?"padahal dah berkurun dah.. huhuhuh..xdo la nk beli nyo skarang nih...nyimpan lg baguih..kan???kan??

Sekolah n Cikgu

huhuhu... aku negok Ally hari tue...tajuk die pasal fav teacher in school...benda nih buat aku terpk semula...aku ada ker fav teacher yang bebetul berkesan dalam hati aku??? cm x jer....i'm know i'm not pretty...tp bebetul la..lepas aku termenung mengenang kisah silam aku mmg xde fav teacher yang bebetul rapat ngan aku... 1st of it...aku bukan pandai nk kipas maut kan...aku biasala...wat keje aku jer....bodek2 xdo la...xberbakat..aku ungkit la sekolah-aku dulu..

5 taun..
aku sekolah tadika kt segamat..tp aku pergi sehari jer sbb mak aku cakap aku blk2 jer aku menangis ..mungkin sbb tengok org menangis n aku rasa aku muda sgt tuk masuk sek...lebih baik tgk sessame street..my fav tv show also tv pendidikan tv2...sekarang xdo yer...mak aku cakap benda tue yang mengajar aku menulis n membaca also bercakap...i like to talk..hahahha

aku masuk tadika pasti..tadika yang berhampiran dengan rumah aku serting...tue pon sbb ayah aku bersara n berpindah ke Serting...tadika tue berunsurkan islamic...seronok sbb aku suka wat kerja rumah...within a week buku yang cikgu aku bg dah siap...lepas tue aku keboringan...n kt sekolah tue aku diajar ckp bahasa arab....hahahha..impressive kan???also kena belajar doa-doa..solat n memacam la lg..futhermost...ustazah kt sekolah tue tau aku budak manja...lambat jer xnk masuk kelas...takut ustazah marah...hahahaha...but i'm one of yang dapat last gift on the last day at school...okla tue kan...

primary school..
sekolah kt serting la..i cannot remember that much sbb xde pon kenangan baik sgt...i try to be active tp aku xberapa active la dlm sukan...i just excelent in academic jer...masuk kuiz ini itu..memacam la....that better la dr aku xbuat paperkan...ahhahaha...cikgu plg aku ingat adalah cikgu tajudin... i love him soo much...memula die ngajar aku in standard 2...punya la aku menyampah dengan die angkara accident die marah aku sbb aku xde buku yang die suruh bawa...cm ne nk ada buku tue pada aku..buku tue pada die...die xpulangkan pada aku pon sblm tue....so..it just an accident...then i was interviewed him sbb kerja sekolah...dah trauma pon boleh interview lg...hahaha...n in standard six die jd cikgu kelas aku...hahhaa...he is good...he give me a book...sampai sekarang buku tue ada kt rumah mak aku...huhuhu...kenangan tue..

secondary school...
secondary nothing much to say...to be frank..mase nih la aku jadi low self esteem..cm ne nk ckpntah...aku masuk mzms..aku banyak kenangan pahit berbandingan manis..aku jd takut nk speak up...nk keluarkan idea ..berdiri depan org...last aku berani in form 1 and form 2..tue pon sblm kejadian yang xdiigini berlaku...boleh dikatakan aku mase form 1 n form 2 suka gile presentation...amik ko..gilekan...org lain menyampah...aku plak suka...sbb presentation built out confidence skill in public tau...but after the accident aku jd malu n segala2nya la...tp slalu aku jugak kena present..sapa suruh aku beria sgt in form 1 kan...padan muka...
perkara nih terjadi sampai aku form 5...wah lama tue...cikgu yang beri kesan dlm hidup aku is cikgu shamsuri..xleh lupa la pasal die...tp seriously..aku xrapat ngan memaner cikgu even cikgu homeroom aku sendiri..mungkin aku sensitip kot...

masa nih la dikatakan zaman kajatuhan diri aku...segala2 nya teruk n i hate this phase in my life...

new phase in my life...aku ok jer...ngan azam baru la kan...hahahha...semua adala...ketawa menangis semua adalah...upm nih memcam kenangan...tp cm biasa kalo presentation aku slalu jd mangsa n penyelamat kawan2 aku..hahhaha...kadang2 aku malas amik port pon...lecturer yang paling berkesan dlm hati aku is pn madihah...lecturer plg sempoi la...then is en nasir...mengajar susah... tp bg soalan kekadang senang sampai semua confius betul ker soalan nih...hahahha...tp aku xla rapat ngan mereka..just ingat gitu2 jer

dah abis phase aku belajar...xtau la kalo de angan2 nk sambung master ker...ahhhahah..berangan...opps...lupa nk bgtau...aku nih sejak lepas secondary school, aku sgt pelupa n jarang nk ingat klo ada paper...mesti lupa la aper aku belajar...naisb spm xla kantoi sgt..hahahha...u pon xkantoi sgt...bolehla ...cukup makan...

Melayu Oh Melayu...N Malaysia tanah air ku...

errmm... cm berat jer tajuk nih kan...tp ini mcm pandangan pribadi aku la sebagai anak jati Malaysia nih...sudah lama kita merdeka tp kelakuan rakyat + pemimpin makin berundur...kenapa yer?? kurang kesedaran mengenai kewarganegaraan? tp tue xmungkin la...sbb aku rasa sejak dr sek ren kita diajar mengenai Malaysia and sikap pemimpin dan rakyat semasa mendapatkan kemerdekaan..bersatu hati untuk mendapatkan matlamat yang sama..

Rakyat kini makin ramai yang bijak pandai... dapat menilai aper yang buruk dan yang baik...namun kadangkala, keiginan peribadi lebih diutamakan berbandingan kepentingan bersama..

Pemimpin pula kadangkala lemas ditengah-tengah perjuangan...kalah dengan keadaan sekeliling...harta, duit n kuasa...lelaki mahupon perempuan pasti akan tewas dengan 3 perkara ini..namun kadang kala kite terlupa akan kesinambungan kehendak kita itu...

kita renungkan bersama, dahulu Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai politik yang stabil...sekarang politik makin bergolak....hampir setiap bulan ada sahaja perang politik yang terjadi...lebih mengecewakan perang politik terjadi dikala ekonomi tidak stabil...adakah ini adil pada rakyat yang berharap agar pemimpin mereka sentiasa ada dalam menagani isu sebegini??? pembaziran wang yang tidak perlu harus la dihentikan kerana setiap duit yang dikeluarkan oleh rakyat adalah dengan harapan dapat pulangan semula kepada rakyat...

Malaysia tidaklah sebesar mana jika hendak dibandingkan dengan USA..namun kenapa politik disana lebih stabil?? adakah mereka sebangsa??? tidak juga...mereka juga berbilang kaum sehingga terjadi pergaduhan dan kematian yang secara asasnya adalah berpunca dari pertelingkahan antara kaum... sedarlah wahai rakyat Malaysia..kalau kita sendiri tidak mengharmonikan negara kita?? adakah kita berharap orang lain akan masuk campur tangan untuk mengharmonikan negara kita yang pada hakikatnya mereka akan mengambil kesempatan pada setiap kesilapan kita sendiri??? renung-renungkan...

Keje Oh Keje

hari nih dalam sejarah aku dengan rasminyer kena kerja secara keseluruhannyer di luar office...wah...apakah petanda nyer itu???

ermm...i'm doing support la...but cannot access from office because of the firewall...ermm...ok gakkan...relax sikit...harus aku gumbira about this news...

but still banyak yg xlengkap...aku xleh nk discuss sgt...yer la...xkn office mate aku nk ikut wat keje kt mcd kot??? tp kalo offer mungkin ramai nk kot...hehehehe...

okla....sesapa nmpaka ku merayau xtentu pasal tue...maknayer aku ngah wat keje tau...jgn kate bebukan plak...sekeh kang..

Kaki oh Kaki..

Kaki ku melecet lg??? pakai kasut baru kah??? hahahahaha.....mustila n padan la muka....
bosan tul kaki nih....lek la...baru nk bergaya ngan kasut flat baru...wah gitu... sakit sbb pakai heels but still sakit sbb melecet plak....malang tul kaki nih...
sian ko..wahai cik kaki2 sekalian....
lain kali jgn la sensitip maut camnih...tuan ko pon sakit gak...sengsara seminggu tau bile sakit cmnih...sabo jer labu...



Happy Birthday To U,
Happy Birthday To U,
Happy Birthday To SEBRINA,
............ Happy Birthday To U ............

23rd on 23rd 09....nice numbers on nice day....

walaupun suara ku macam katak puru tetap ku nyanyikan untuk mu...

sorry la sbb sebenarnye beday ko semalam...aku ingat rabu nih is 23rd...sorry sesagat....

aper-aper pon....

  • wishing u having a good year...
  • will finding someone
  • all the best...

p/s:- this is my special entry to SEB...forgive me about yesterday ya pal...

Entry ...

Dah lama rupanyer aku xupdate blog...ermm....xde masa...masalahnyer aku dok layan movie jer....dari online movie sampai la movie yang my office mate bagi....xde masa nk buat benda lain...wah ko...

okla..to be honest...something make me curios...last saturday, i went to a supermarket to buy something...then the promoter called me to test the air wick air freshner...ok la...then she ask me to buy...mmg aku ada terpk nk beli air freshner for my room...then i like the scent....but the promoter call me adik and she ask me where i'm studying....what of that??? didn't i matured enough??? just because i'm soo simple and i think you can call me makcik on that time not a student....based on my clothing...

adakah itu petanda aku kena sambung study lg??? oh tidak.............. maybe i need to dress up more updated and look like a carier woman on the weekend......that not sound like me at all..actually this is not the first time....already heard for few time already.... maybe after this i can ask the movie ticketer for student discount??I wish.... errmm...then the budak face should be very usefull for me...hehehehe.... xpolah...budak pon budak la...i love myself...

then....for all.....call me adik farzilah okeh...heheheh...kidding la...

this is the scent yang aku beli

Aromatherapy Revitalization® Eucalyptus and Citrus

the best thing is bau die segar jer....for those who love citrus scent la....kalo selsema try this scent...mungkin boleh membantu....because i heard Eucalyptus is good for pernafasan... try on....especially who got flu....


Sabtu lepas..aku beli kasut..wah 3 pasang terus aku rembat tp xla mahal sgt sbb discount ok..but the things is kaki aku melecet pakai kasut baru...boring tul....errrmm...tul ker petua kalo pakai kasut baru kena gigit???aku confius la sbb aku xcaya benda cmnih....ketat kot kasut tue...aku malas nk beli saiz besar sikit takut nanti bile kasut tue dah kembang aku xleh nk pakai dah....

aper pon, sekarang JJ tgh sales...sapa rasa2 nk beli kasut, bags, and baju sila lah yer...sediakan duit jer...

knp aku beli kasut???ermm...kasut aku hancus dah..nanti aku tunjjuk aper yg hancus...okeh...

Entry sesaja.......

Dah nama pon entry sesaja so that ni sesaja la nulis...
i'm too busy lately....many urgent things need to do...everything is urgent...xde yg x urgent....
tp aku jer buat cm x urgent...by da way..now all the urgent things are solved already...don't know in future...ala..ada jer la nanti issues...biasa la tue...kalo boleh nk suruh siap kan dalam 2 jam...gilo ke?? cm aku pegang 1 issue jer...xpo lah...xdapek nk nolong...

arie nih aku nk blk awl...kol 3...no worries...my pm is not around...bahagia...tp xtau la lepas ker x ngan functional...other wise i just said i need to see doc and get mc for mental breaking...boleh ker?? xpon esok declare cuti bersalin....huhuhu...leh dapat cuti bergaji 3 bulan...wah...bahagia gitu...

best x idea den???

Tag lagi Pn Ummi???

1) When do you want to get married?
When someone pinang me la...

2) What do you want the most now?

Peace...no stress....

3) Who is the person you trust the most?


4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
Sometimes and most of time...camner tue???

5) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?

ED for SAP company....wah...malay ED gitu...

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

Yes and i saw it few times already...but not these back few years..long time ago...

7) What are you afraid to lose right now?
My Family and Closest Frens

9) If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her?

I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10) List out 3 good points of the reason who tagged you
- My Closest and Best fren eva
- Saja...dah lama xupdate blog
- Uji Minda....(berfikir secara critis and creative)

11) What are the requirement do you wish from the other half?
Nothing at all

12) What type of person you hate the most?
- Kawan makan kawan
- Penipu
- Pengikis

13) Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
Most of time

14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life??
- Choco
- Money
- Lappy + wifi

15) Do you find the needs to have a boyfriend/gf?

- Maybe...

16) At this point in time, would you rather be a heartbreaker or heartbroken?

- heartbroken

17) What kind of friend do you want to be in your friend's eye?
- Trustfull fren

18) Describe the person who tagged you in 6 words.
- Si tinggi yang telah berkahwin pada 23 tahun.

19)The place you wanted to go most with your loved ones?

- Rahsia....nanti korang sibuk ikut...huhuhu...

20)I'm going to tag.
- Zera kot...harap2 die rajin....zera rajin x???


Akukan suka lily....so that aku jumpa la website nih...origami lily....then i try to do it...jadi la ko....try la buat.... lily origami

best gile tp jgn kekasar sgt...koyak plak kang koteh tue...

Tag dr Ummi ver 2....

1. Apabila telah terpilih dengan bangganya, silalah menulis 16 perkara paling rawak sama ada tentang
* fakta,
* perangai tak senonoh
* hala tuju hidup anda.
2. Silalah hasut 16 orang lain untuk melakukan perkara ini.
3. Sila tanda manusia yang telah menanda anda di peringkat awal.
4. Ketahuilah, jika anda terpilih ia adalah kerana anda juga manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya ketika bayi.

wahhh...tag lagi nih...xper...layan saja...

  1. Aku banyak ckp + pendiam...so that, kalo aku becok jgn pelik....n kalo aku tetiba jd pendiam pun jgn pelik jugak...
  2. Aku xsuka susahkan org lain...kalo aku susah aku lbh suka selesai sendiri..maybe i'm too independent...but if u ask for my help..i try my best....
  3. Aku suka chocolate....of course...
  4. Aku xsuka sgt sardine...wah...memilih gitu...ntah ar...aku loya la bau hanyir sandine + aku muak kot mkn sardine...bad memory of it actually...(tp kalo mak aku masak...laju jer makan)
  5. Aku xreti sgt ckp N9 eventhough my parent are purely N9'ese...my ic shows that i'm Johorian...huhuhuhu(konon)..bahasa aku korang jgn ikut sbb aku pon xtau asal usul words yg aku guna...very intergrated words..
  6. I'm not pretty but don't know y girls keep thinking i'm perampas....hello....idok ler aku nk merampas-rampas tau..banyak lg kojo den...(are u blind girls???)
  7. Aku xsuka klua shopping ngan org sbb aku kan cerewet...susah nk beli brg kalo xde mood..sometimes aku beli sbb kesian kt peneman aku...
  8. Aku teringin nk keje kt oversea....mybe one day...hopefully....
  9. Power mate aku 270...both side...will increase if i stay with my current habbit...pc for 20 hrs..
  10. Aku xsuka drive walaupon aku sendiri hari2 drive...(bila la nk de driver kan???)
  11. Aku xsuka bwk handbag but i'm soo pelupa..cannot bring things with this two hand..mesti cicir punya..sometimes i also lupa where i put my spectacle...padahal depan mata jer...also the handset...ujung minggu lg la hset aku lupakan...
  12. i love lilies but my prirority still mr choco...
  13. Aku teringin nk candat sotong...
  14. Aku teringin nk belajar mandarin...cm best jer org melayu speak mandarin..
  15. I hate serangga esp lipas...tolong la...tp rumah aku cm banyak jer lipas.....huhuhu..
  16. Last but not least...i don't like make up but i still used it at office...kalo x nmpak cm serabut jer...suram muram gitu.....
itu jer la ttg aku...banyak lg sbnrnya..tp ckp 16 jer kan...huhuhu.. see me live ...then, u will know me better...

aku nk tag Zera..ok x Zera???


today is 14 Feb which are equal with VD or Valentine Day....

i just wonder why people celebrate it...for me love is everything and everytime. but why people used certain date to celebrate it??? we can celebrate the love everyday or if we want a date, we can specific the date that different with others... it will more memorable...rite???

the cons for VD is the flowers price will increase twice and also with the chocolate...(cannot accept for t he choco price ok)... even though the choco have same shapes and taste but the prices are higher before the VD comes.... i should fasting for the choco on VD + a week before and after...means that i only can buy choco after two weeks fasting....errrmmm...will thinking about it..i think choco prices are only reasonable on christmas' eve...anyone agree about it???

the pros of the VD are sometimes the mall will give away flowers and choco for the client on VD day..i don't really care about the flowers (we cannot eat flowers n it will fade soo soon)...but i love choco esp free choco..... ;P i think the mall will full of people today....to get the gift maybe??? lipton will give away a bouquet of roses and a couple of movie tickets at sanway and one utama for today and tommorrow...just an info for you...( the movie ticket are cool for me..)

but today i just relaxing at home..clean it after a week..very bad habbit.. i got sinus for the good efford...my Godness....what happend to me??? my nose become more sensitive and red already.....look like a clown...... then i cannot be a bibik ( like i said before..rite fren??) ...huhuuhu...

i hope i will be ok soon....mentally and physically.....

cherish or leave the moment...

aper jer la...

penin ar kepala aku....tgh pk keputusan aku untuk hidup dlm sap...betul ker arah hidup aku nih??? atau aku sebenarnye xlayak dlm sap nih??? wa...wa....wa....penin sesgt....harap sesgt aku xde la sampai demam esok...

Blog Template...

Ni Pn Ummi yg bertanya okeh... kalo nk tukar template blog cmner...ok la aku terang kan..

memula aku guna template yg sedia ada sbb tempate yg sedia ada xde error.. pastu aku revert to classic template... after that aku amik yg aku dah amik kt free template codes tue tambah kt html code tue..

yang kotak merah tue kena biar kan..paste codes start dr variable....

tp kalo codes yg diambil tue dlm folder, guna yg browse n upload tue...senang jo....okeh??



Lately nih...

Lately nih selera makana ku wah dasat gitu....lapo jer...pastu bile perut kosong rasa nk muntah...huhuhu dasat la aku...dlm kepala plak nk choco jer....pastu makin kuat tido....malas nk pk...malas nk jumpa org...malas segalanyer la....aku xmampu nk ckp dah....kesimpulannyer...aku dah jd pemalas....

adakah aku mengalami stress??? dasat la kalo stress cmnih...setau aku kalo stress xlalu mkn...xlalu minum...aku lak...laju jer mkn...tgk keje jer malas....huhuhu...

skrang nih aku rasa cm nk muntah sbb just minum milo jer pg...silap la minum milo...akukan xsuka susu...dah la perut kosong...confirm nk muntah...tgh hari xklua mkn kot...wah...mual la perut aku...cm banyak jer asid dlm perut...

waahhh!!!!!!!!!aku stress!!!tolong!!!!!!!!!!!

Mood Mode...

Errrmm...aku xde mood lately nih...kalo korang rasa nk jumpa aku....jgn sentap plak kalo aku ckp idok yer...
i really don't have any mood to hang up rite now....feel soo stressfull......

semalam...lepas aku klua dr office dengan slumber dog nyer aku klua awal dr iss kerana ketiadaan mood..1st thing i want is to get choco....i really need it because i'm soo stressfull...so...aku masukla jaya groceries... grab 1 kitkat bar which is cost rm2.70. but don't think it is enough for me. xkn hari2 nk mkn choc....makin bahagia la lemak2 nih...idok la kuasa aku nk membahagiakan korang wahai lemak2 ku...

maybe i need to sleep...more sleep...i wish i can sleep stright for few days...

last but not least...i hate this and u...

Kawan, Kawen & Anak...

lately nih banyak plak aku dengar berita gumbira dr sahabat2 serta kenalan aku yang telah mendirikan rumah tangga...tahniah atas kelahiran penyeri rumah tangga korang...baby...
musti cute2 kan...aku plak...opps...jgn ditanya dong...kalo aku de anak, ramai yg pengsan...mau xnyer...akukan lom kawen but seriuosly i have anaks..anaks mate...anak tokak..plg bosa la tue..hehehe...

kepada noni, nolie, wirda, kak balqis and sesapa yg tgh mengandung aku ucapkan tahniah n semoga berbahagia selalu...harap2 sgt aku jumpa korang...leh picit2 anak korang yg cute miut tue...hehehehe...selain anak kucing, aku plg pantang ngan baby..pantang jumpa...nk picit jer...hehehe :P

kepada yg nk bertunang...tahniah..semoga sampai kejinjang pelamin...kenduri kawen ajak aku weh...kang aku merajuk kang...

kepada yang berkahwin..aku ucapkan tahniah ngan fasa baru korang...jgn ditanya aku bile...nanti kalo de paper akan ku khabarkan kepada smua....consider aku belanja mkn secara besar-besaran la...huhuhuhu..ahaks....

Car of Today..

lately nih aku cm bz skit la...siapkan report yg spec die ntah pape ntah...sabau jer la..so today aku masukkan n3 pasal kete...

blk td, aku nmpak kete bmw nih...aku raso kelako lak...sbb lampu die...cm mate org sih...huhuhu...sport car la...leh bukak bumbung...red color for the body and black color for the roof....cantik la the color..but i don't like the lamp....huhuhu...

ni lah die modelnyer...tp bayang la color merah bmw..mmg menawan...tp xtahan sih mate die....huhuhu..lawak tul....walau pon rege kete nih sepuluh kali ganda dr miss K aku, tetapi ttp ku katakan ko wahai kete...konyer mate lawak ar..kuikuikui...

terlanjur aku ckp pasal bmw nih...ingat xpasal kete honda accord yg menyerupai bmw??
nih aku de jumpa pic nyor...meh aku tepek...aper plak pendapat korang??

Honda Accord 2008

BMW 7 series 2007...

tul x aku ckp..???

Tag dr Ummi...

Rules : Use Google image to search the answers to the question below. Then you must choose a picture of the first page of results, and post it as your answer.

The Age of Next Birthday:

24 on 23....

Places I'd like to visit:



A Favorite Place:


A Favorite Food:

tom yam..nyam...nyamm....

Favorite Things:

money....my love....

kisses consider a thing what...

A Nickname I have:

farzilah...of course....

College Major:

Computer Science for 3 years...yo lah....but my current job is not based on the course..how meh???

Name of My Love:

Ado ko??? confuse...


reading maa.....

A Bad Habbit:

forgive but not forget......

My Wish list:

pink lappy.....walla.....

be mine???? please...........

p/s: ummi...tag from you...........:P


Hari ini hari jumaat...ermm..esok sabtu...esok jenjalan g umah umi...pastu....ooppss...dok umah sudah...aku kan pemalas...

aper lg ek nk buat?? update blog ujung minggu pon bukan de cite sgt...aku suka melepak kt umah layan la novel ker aper ker...kalo dpt novel, harus xtido mlm aku dibuat nyer...sy suka membace nyer...:P

xperla...nanti aku pk nk wat per sabtu nih...errrmm....ngah pk...ermm.....jgn kaco la..org ngah pk lg..hehehe.. :P


Ada ker patut depa xdatang xbgtau kt aku???..nih dok melongo wat keje sesorang...xper2...

lain kali aku cuti or g iss xmau bgtau depa...slalu tau wat aku cmnih...



wa...wa...wa....code aku ilang...tension sih...aku plak xbuat backup..kena start blk...banyak dah siap...cantik dah...molek gile aku buat...dah masuk select statement dah...adoih hai...cmner nk siap isnin nih???

ermmm...xkn siap kot isnin sbb aku xberapa paham la spec nih...tulun..tulun....cuai la ko farzilah...gigit kang...kn dah susahkan diri ko...nk xnk...buat la sml...lepas nih buat la backup...system kan cm bengong..leh logout sendiri...ko de kaki ker system...susahkan org jer...ishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nutrition Notes

Cherries are a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants such as anthocyanins. They also contain the soluble fibre pectin.

1/2 cup Sweet Cherries provides: 46 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 9.3 g sugar, 1.5 g fibre

1/2 cup Sour Cherries provides: 39 calories, 0.8 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.6 g sugar, 1.2 g fibre

1/4 cup Dried Cherries provides: 136 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 27 g sugar, 1 g fibre, 30% DV vitamin A.

1 Maraschino Cherry, canned, drained provides: 8 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 2 g sugar, 0.2 g fibre

1/2 cup Ontario Red Tart Chilled and Pitted Cherries provides: 63 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 15.7 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g dietary fibre.

Cherries come in two main types: sweet and sour or tart.

Sweet cherries are larger and heart-shaped. They can be enjoyed freshly picked and are also excellent cooked. They range in colour from golden, red-blushed (Royal Ann) to dark red or purplish black (Bing, Lambert and Tartarian).

Sour cherries are smaller, softer and more globular in shape than sweet cherries. Unlike sweet cherries, most sour varieties are too tart to eat raw, but they are excellent in pies and preserves. Varieties of sour cherries include Early Richmond (bright red; first to be available in late spring), Montmorency (bright red) and Morello (dark mahogany red).

Dried cherries are prepared from tart cherries, which may have sugar or other sweeteners added prior to drying.

Ontario chilled and pitted cherries are the Montmorency variety (tart), which are the best cheries for pies, sauces, tarts, jams and desserts. They are availble with 10% sugar added or no sugar added.

Marashino cherries can be made from any variety of cherry, but Royal Ann (sweet) is typically used. The cherries are pitted and soaked in a flavoured sugar syrup. These sugary cherries are used as garnish for desserts and cocktails, in baked goods and fruit salads.

Canned Cherries are red, tart, pitted cherries packed in water.


Fresh cherries are available from May (sweet) or June (sour) through August. Select fresh cherries that are brightly coloured, shiny and plump. Sweet cherries should be firm, but not hard; sour cherries should be medium-firm. You get more for your money (per gram weight) buying stemmed cherries, but those with the stems still on last longer.

You can also purchase chilled and pitted cherries. Ontario Tender Fruit Producers offers red tart and black sweet cherries chilled and pitted between mid-July and early August. Pre-ordering is recommended; retailers receive fresh product daily during this period. Pails of pitted cherries may not be stored where you can find them, so ask about chilled and pitted cherries at the Produce Department or Customer Service Desk.

Red Tart Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 17 to August 5

Black Sweet Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 10 to August 5 Participating Retailers: A&P; Comisso's; Dominion/Ultra; Food Basics; Foodland; Fortinos; Highland Farms; IGA; Knechtel; Loblaws; Loeb; Longo's; Price Chopper; Sobeys; The Barn; Valumart; Your Independent Grocer; Zehrs Markets.

Canned Cherries - choose undented cans that exhibit no bulging.

Unwashed cherries should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. To preserve cherries and use them later, select red, tree-ripened fruit. Remove the stems and rinse the fruit in cool water; remove pits, if desired. You can then freeze, can or dry the cherries.

Freezing cherries: Cherries can be frozen on a cookie sheet with the pit still in them. You can enjoy the cherries while they are still frozen, or package them in appropriate quantities for further use (e.g. 1/2 cup or 1 cup in a freezer baggie). If the cherries will be used for pies or other recipes, pit them first over the container you will be storing them in, to catch the juices. (A 9-inch pie will require 4 to 5 cups of pitted tart cherries.) To preserve the red colour of tart cherries, they should be frozen shortly after they are picked/bought, in freezer containers with a sprinkling of granulated sugar. Frozen cherries will keep for 8 to 10 months.

Canning cherries: To can cherries, it is best to follow a recipe from a canning book such as Ball or Kerr - check out www.homecanning.com

Drying cherries: If you dry your own fresh tart cherries, don't expect the same results as commercially dried tart cherries. As with other fruits dehydrated at home, the results can be significantly different. Dehydrate for 24 to 36 hours, pits removed.

For more information on preserving cherries, visit www.homefoodpreservation.com

Canned cherries should be stored unopened in a cool, dry place off the floor. Opened cherries should be transferred to a covered container, refigerated and used within 2 to 4 days.

Chilled and pitted cherries can be frozen in their pails or packaged in small containers or freezer bags in desired proportions.

Fresh sweet cherries need only be rinsed and enjoyed. Tart or sour cherries are typically used to make pies, jellies, jams, sauces, stewed fruit and the like.

Pitting cherries You may have heard that you can remove cherry pits with paper clips, a vegetable peeler or a knife. However, the best pitters are ones made especially for the job. Click here to see a hand-held "cherry stoner". Hand-held pitters work well on a small batch of cherries. However, if you need to pit large numbers of cherries, it is best to invest in a large cherry pitter, such as this one. Cherry pitters/stoners are available at specialty food stores or through the Internet.

Chilled and pitted cherries: To use cherries frozen in the pail, remove the pail from the freezer and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Scoop out the desired amount of cherries and return the pail to the freezer.

Cherries can be incorporated into any meal of the day.

Healthy Ways to Enjoy Cherries:


* Blend fresh cherries into a smoothie - if you have to pit them, it will take a little extra time, but it only takes a few cherries to impart their distinct flavour to your frosty morning beverage.
* Add fresh or dried cherries to muffins, pancakes and quick breads.
* Make a more healthful granola by mixing in dried cherries and other dried fruits, seeds and chopped nuts.


* Try a cherry soup with a salad for a relaxing, cool weekend lunch (see recipe).
* Add a fruit serving to your packed lunch with a 1/2 cup fresh sweet cherries.
* Toss some greens with leftover cold chicken breast, cubed, some dried cherries and a fruity dressing for a tasty salad.
* Enjoy a fruit salad - not the canned type with a single maraschino in it, but make your own with fresh fruits, pitted cherries, a splash of juice and a squeeze of lemon.


* Add dried cherries to stuffing.
* Make an entrée salad with plenty of fresh greens, veggies and dried or fresh, pitted cherries.
* Add dried cherries to couscous, pasta or quinoa salads for an interesting side dish.


* If you typically snack on fruit that is available year-round, such as apples, bananas and oranges, take the opportunity to celebrate spring. 1/2 cup of cherries and a handful of nuts make a delicious, healthful snack.
* Toss dried cherries into trail mix.
* Liven up plain low-fat yogurt with fresh cherries

Did You Know?

* Cherries were named after the Turkish town of Cerasus, and date as far back as 300 BCE.
* In 1912, Tokyo's governor presented America with ornamental cherry trees, which stand in Washington, DC today and act as a floral tourist attraction.

all is about cherries....nape aku suka makan cherry?? errmm....sbb kesihatan..sbb fungsi anti oxcidant die la...hehehe...but i like the taste of course....tp kt mesia cherry sgt mahal....aku mkn sbb cousin aku bwk dr aussie...then aku suruh zera beli...kt aussie...pastu abg aku g paris...aku pesan gak..but dpt sikit jer sbb mahal..then abg aku g aussie aku pesan lg...kali nih banyak la dr dulu...sbb murah sikit dr kt paris...huhuhu...

p/s:- evrything aku amik kt tenet ek...korang mesti tau punya...punya banyak link tue..hehehe..

Chocolate from Aussie...

milky way

freddo cadbury....choco katak

all the choco is bought from aussie .
thanks bro...luv ya...
(bodek jgn xbodek...)

aku mmg suka chocolate sbb tue badan aku cm chocolate dah...huhuhu...malaysian nyer choco i like beryl's..yg kilang die kt sri kembangan...ermm...tue aku mkn sbb my cousin la die suka beli...aku dok merasa jd jatuh chenta...then...i love kisses..almost love it..almond kisses..luv it very much...also ferrero...then baru la cadbury...all types...xkirala aper pon...aku hadap jer semua...best lagi kalo yg overseas type tue...penuh gile haram jadah dlm tue..hehehe...tp choco murah pon aku makan la jugak...asal xkempunan....xpon kalo dpt belgium choco pon masyuk gak...wah..kerang2 gitu.....

alkisahnyer aku suka mkn choco sbb abg aku la... die beli ferrero for the first time..mase tue baru promotion kt mesia kalo xsilap...then die beli kisses...then kisses is my 1st choice la.so...sampai sekarang aku suka kisses or generally choco..aku penah nagis per xdpt mkn choco because i'm too stressfull at that time... huhuhu...nih sapa dpt sponsor aku choco tuk setaun..maunyer aku cium sampai lemas..hehehe...

p/s: aku amik gambo dr tenet...camera tinggal kt seroting la weh...sabau jer la...