Nutrition Notes
Cherries are a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants such as anthocyanins. They also contain the soluble fibre pectin.
1/2 cup Sweet Cherries provides: 46 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 9.3 g sugar, 1.5 g fibre
1/2 cup Sour Cherries provides: 39 calories, 0.8 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 6.6 g sugar, 1.2 g fibre
1/4 cup Dried Cherries provides: 136 calories, 1 g protein, 0 g fat, 27 g sugar, 1 g fibre, 30% DV vitamin A.
1 Maraschino Cherry, canned, drained provides: 8 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 2 g sugar, 0.2 g fibre
1/2 cup Ontario Red Tart Chilled and Pitted Cherries provides: 63 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 15.7 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g dietary fibre.
Cherries come in two main types: sweet and sour or tart.
Sweet cherries are larger and heart-shaped. They can be enjoyed freshly picked and are also excellent cooked. They range in colour from golden, red-blushed (Royal Ann) to dark red or purplish black (Bing, Lambert and Tartarian).
Sour cherries are smaller, softer and more globular in shape than sweet cherries. Unlike sweet cherries, most sour varieties are too tart to eat raw, but they are excellent in pies and preserves. Varieties of sour cherries include Early Richmond (bright red; first to be available in late spring), Montmorency (bright red) and Morello (dark mahogany red).
Dried cherries are prepared from tart cherries, which may have sugar or other sweeteners added prior to drying.
Ontario chilled and pitted cherries are the Montmorency variety (tart), which are the best cheries for pies, sauces, tarts, jams and desserts. They are availble with 10% sugar added or no sugar added.
Marashino cherries can be made from any variety of cherry, but Royal Ann (sweet) is typically used. The cherries are pitted and soaked in a flavoured sugar syrup. These sugary cherries are used as garnish for desserts and cocktails, in baked goods and fruit salads.
Canned Cherries are red, tart, pitted cherries packed in water.
Fresh cherries are available from May (sweet) or June (sour) through August. Select fresh cherries that are brightly coloured, shiny and plump. Sweet cherries should be firm, but not hard; sour cherries should be medium-firm. You get more for your money (per gram weight) buying stemmed cherries, but those with the stems still on last longer.
You can also purchase chilled and pitted cherries. Ontario Tender Fruit Producers offers red tart and black sweet cherries chilled and pitted between mid-July and early August. Pre-ordering is recommended; retailers receive fresh product daily during this period. Pails of pitted cherries may not be stored where you can find them, so ask about chilled and pitted cherries at the Produce Department or Customer Service Desk.
Red Tart Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 17 to August 5
Black Sweet Cherries - Chilled and Pitted: available July 10 to August 5 Participating Retailers: A&P; Comisso's; Dominion/Ultra; Food Basics; Foodland; Fortinos; Highland Farms; IGA; Knechtel; Loblaws; Loeb; Longo's; Price Chopper; Sobeys; The Barn; Valumart; Your Independent Grocer; Zehrs Markets.
Canned Cherries - choose undented cans that exhibit no bulging.
Unwashed cherries should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. To preserve cherries and use them later, select red, tree-ripened fruit. Remove the stems and rinse the fruit in cool water; remove pits, if desired. You can then freeze, can or dry the cherries.
Freezing cherries: Cherries can be frozen on a cookie sheet with the pit still in them. You can enjoy the cherries while they are still frozen, or package them in appropriate quantities for further use (e.g. 1/2 cup or 1 cup in a freezer baggie). If the cherries will be used for pies or other recipes, pit them first over the container you will be storing them in, to catch the juices. (A 9-inch pie will require 4 to 5 cups of pitted tart cherries.) To preserve the red colour of tart cherries, they should be frozen shortly after they are picked/bought, in freezer containers with a sprinkling of granulated sugar. Frozen cherries will keep for 8 to 10 months.
Canning cherries: To can cherries, it is best to follow a recipe from a canning book such as Ball or Kerr - check out
Drying cherries: If you dry your own fresh tart cherries, don't expect the same results as commercially dried tart cherries. As with other fruits dehydrated at home, the results can be significantly different. Dehydrate for 24 to 36 hours, pits removed.
For more information on preserving cherries, visit
Canned cherries should be stored unopened in a cool, dry place off the floor. Opened cherries should be transferred to a covered container, refigerated and used within 2 to 4 days.
Chilled and pitted cherries can be frozen in their pails or packaged in small containers or freezer bags in desired proportions.
Fresh sweet cherries need only be rinsed and enjoyed. Tart or sour cherries are typically used to make pies, jellies, jams, sauces, stewed fruit and the like.
Pitting cherries You may have heard that you can remove cherry pits with paper clips, a vegetable peeler or a knife. However, the best pitters are ones made especially for the job. Click here to see a hand-held "cherry stoner". Hand-held pitters work well on a small batch of cherries. However, if you need to pit large numbers of cherries, it is best to invest in a large cherry pitter, such as this one. Cherry pitters/stoners are available at specialty food stores or through the Internet.
Chilled and pitted cherries: To use cherries frozen in the pail, remove the pail from the freezer and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Scoop out the desired amount of cherries and return the pail to the freezer.
Cherries can be incorporated into any meal of the day.
Healthy Ways to Enjoy Cherries:
* Blend fresh cherries into a smoothie - if you have to pit them, it will take a little extra time, but it only takes a few cherries to impart their distinct flavour to your frosty morning beverage.
* Add fresh or dried cherries to muffins, pancakes and quick breads.
* Make a more healthful granola by mixing in dried cherries and other dried fruits, seeds and chopped nuts.
* Try a cherry soup with a salad for a relaxing, cool weekend lunch (see recipe).
* Add a fruit serving to your packed lunch with a 1/2 cup fresh sweet cherries.
* Toss some greens with leftover cold chicken breast, cubed, some dried cherries and a fruity dressing for a tasty salad.
* Enjoy a fruit salad - not the canned type with a single maraschino in it, but make your own with fresh fruits, pitted cherries, a splash of juice and a squeeze of lemon.
* Add dried cherries to stuffing.
* Make an entrée salad with plenty of fresh greens, veggies and dried or fresh, pitted cherries.
* Add dried cherries to couscous, pasta or quinoa salads for an interesting side dish.
* If you typically snack on fruit that is available year-round, such as apples, bananas and oranges, take the opportunity to celebrate spring. 1/2 cup of cherries and a handful of nuts make a delicious, healthful snack.
* Toss dried cherries into trail mix.
* Liven up plain low-fat yogurt with fresh cherries
Did You Know?
* Cherries were named after the Turkish town of Cerasus, and date as far back as 300 BCE.
* In 1912, Tokyo's governor presented America with ornamental cherry trees, which stand in Washington, DC today and act as a floral tourist attraction.
all is about cherries....nape aku suka makan cherry?? errmm....sbb kesihatan..sbb fungsi anti oxcidant die la...hehehe...but i like the taste of kt mesia cherry sgt mahal....aku mkn sbb cousin aku bwk dr aussie...then aku suruh zera beli...kt aussie...pastu abg aku g paris...aku pesan gak..but dpt sikit jer sbb mahal..then abg aku g aussie aku pesan lg...kali nih banyak la dr dulu...sbb murah sikit dr kt paris...huhuhu...
p/s:- evrything aku amik kt tenet ek...korang mesti tau punya...punya banyak link tue..hehehe..
Novel : Kampung Girl - Umi Kalsom
12 years ago
ngade.taste minah saleh :p
huhuhu...ala..sekali sekala ar....tetapi manggis tetap menjadi pojaan hati ku...hehehehe...nk manggis kak..leh ker??
manggis tgu musim ar.jom ikot aku balik sauk.panjat sndri.haha..
alamak...kalo ko lom kawen...lame dah aku ikut ko...panjat2 nih hobby aku walau dah lama tinggal...huhuhu...tinggal monyet xkenal jer lg tau...hehehe...
cherry kat oz...kalu kene masa nya memang murah dan sedap....huhuhu
betul...betul...skarang ngah musim panas...harus la abgku laksanakan permintaan adiknyer yg ngah ngidam nih....
p/s:sapa jd laki aku mampus...ngidam benda bebukan cmnih...kopak sih..
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