DEC Festive and Farewell...

Dec is coming...Christmas tree is everywhere...yang menarik bulan disember ni work load sgt la ringan walau yang ringan itu sangat menyampah nk buat..:P and plg syiok adalah it is christmas day...aku xdela dikatakan meraikan...tapi hanya menjoinkan diri utk memeriah kan majlis..

sebenarnya aku suka duduk kt shell ni...banyak sgt activity and balance with the work being here doesn't mean people will love u too...

and Dec adalah bulan penuh dengan kejutan...suddently people said few people will rolling off and some people is leaving the company... feel sad from the really shocking news. i need to leave the client end of Jan and the best part is i know it from the client..not from my leads...i feel soo bad and dispointed actually. i dont heard from the client??

i feel disspointed and want to protess about what happened to me...i feel soo bad..

i bet no one will remember me as a contributer here else they will notice that i will leaving. it only have few days left. then better i left and looking for the better oppurtunity somewhere else...

hopefully next project will give more experiences. pray for the goods...


PD again...

yu huuuuuu.....tinggal 5 hari lg nk pergi pd..beach theme ok...huhuhu...suka hati la labu...yg penting boleh pakai sipar mase dinner..syiok gile kan...xyah nk sewa baju memahal...:P

actaully this is my 4th trip with accenture...gile banyak dah...and all of it is at the beach...aiyooo...kehitaman yang lalu pon belum pulih...tambah lg kehitaman, we will see what going happened this coming weekend...best2...xbest sbb CITC start minggu nih utk new zealand...hopefully no issues...boleh meronggeng ngan jayanya... :P

all trips listed are:-
1)Ismah Beach Resort, Pangkalan Balak,Melaka with Abap team(2*)...have turtle sanctuary...unique place to go..
2)BUMniversity at Swiss Garden Resort and Spa,Kuantan(3*) family day..not really family...more to staff day...because we cannot bring family together... :P..panas sgt2...hitam yg dibawa hingga hari ini...
3)Avillion Cove, Port Dickson(3*)...Test Team weekend and easy..menarik...ada bot persiaran berlabuh near to the cafeteria....dinner at seafood restaurant...terbaik sgt...terbayang2 akan ketam itew...nyummy...
4)Avillion water resort(5*)..coming event..mantap...resort atas air cm kt langkawi gitu..tgk ape yang terjadi nanti...:) geram???

huhuhu...aku terasa palk yang blog aku nih tempatlepas geram...aiyoo..bukan sengaja dong...dah mase geram xtau nk luah pada sapa...hanya tulisan je dapat membantu aku menstabilkan mental aku yang tertekan..haha..

currently aku ok je tempat kerja...makin matang dan makin banyak la keje..hahaha...

tp ada la peristiwa yang aku xleh nk terima..terutama yang baru2 ini...perlukah aku menulis rules and regulation utk berkawan ngan aku...alloo...aku bukan perfect tp aku de perasaaan...jgn anggap aku kering sgt...xpasal2 aku avoid ko skarang...baru nk bermesra2 ko wat pasal kan...aku xpernah ckp aku the best, perfect and pompuan melayu terakhir...cara hidup aku jgn masuk campur tau...nk tegur, aku boleh terima tp xperlu la sakarstik sgt mcm ko perfect...sakit mata jgn pandang aku...pandang org lain okeh...ramai org dlm bagunan tue aku pon bukan bercakap ngan ko mase tue..ko yang menyampuk xpasal...uishh...terbakar plak rasanye bile mengenangkan peristiwa itew...xperla..nk wat camne..

Bored.. pun ramai xde nih..kalo dapat blk kan best...tido ke..hujan2 sikit...

ramai plak xde kan....kalo tau amik mc..hahaha....pandai la aku from home c4c xdo la...cmne nk work from home kan...

esok nk g mane ek...fini kawen esok...xdapat nk g la gamaknye...ramai org kawen aku je xsedar..nih pon ramai cakap nk kawen...errmm... aku je lom de perancangan...hopefully cepat2 la de org pinang..ahaks.....

Ceritera di Hari Raya

errmm...banyak org trajedi di hari raya kan..aku plak dari sebelum raya, sampai la blk pj...gile betul trajedi...alkisahnye...

beberapa hari semasa puasa:-
tukar alarm kete memandangkan kereta xboleh nk bukak guna remote... total abis RM200. boleh la...nk wat cmne...kang alarm xde susah plak...menjerit je kete tue tukar la...(untung ah soon)..

seminggu sebelum raya...kete kena service la ...dah over the limit...all the lubricant kena tukar yer sayang...abis dalam rm100..expected and dah save pon the money...ok la...

2 hari sebelum raya..blk dari kerja..berangan nk pergi pasar malam...klua kete lupa tarik handbreak...masuk longkang la kete...panggil to truck...RM100 okeh...unexpected problem...aiyoo...dah nk raya nih...kete banyak plak hal nye...bayar la saje...xkan nk tunggu kete klua sendiri kot...nasib la xde damage lain2..glamer sekejap...ramai je prihatin... :)

blk raya...xde masalah...happy nye....

4 hari raya...blk ke pj..sbb esoknye keje... alternater belt putus...punya havoc...3 kali stop...3 kali kena org tolak...kali terakhir..abg2 peronda lekas highway tolong anto g bengkel...abg bengkel plak denagn rasa prihatin nya bukak bengkel utk aku...bengkel melayu ini tutup ya...aku terasa tersangat la glamer sepanjang di lekas higway itu..dah la 1st time guna...(mahal xhenggat okeh)...nasib la abg2 tue tolong gak crkan bengkel utk aku...bengkel kawan dieorg pon..nasib aku agak baik la kalo x mmg kena sembelih la... lepas tukar alternater belt bateri plak kong...aiyoo...ingat nk anta ah soon je..snenag aku nk g compalint kalo paper jadi...nih jauh ar sg chuah rezeki abg tue la...tukar saja la... total up kena RM 240...padan muka aku...budak merah comel tue dah glamer okeh...breakdown at touch and go line...

dah settle kol 7 sampai pj...letrik ada tp lift xfunction...terima kasih lift oii...baju tinggal dlm kete and bawak nasi je naik menapak 12 tingkat...semput aku...hampeh xkuat stamina...sampai je terus terlepek cm cokodok basi...gile letih..
tido settle masalah...

bangun pg tetiba air xdo la plak...nasib de dlm baldi td...ok la jugak...mandi nk g kerja...haru tul....nih blk nih xtau la ade ke sbb aku xbayo air...bil ntah kemane...xde pon maintanance bg..salah aku ke??? semoga air ade kalo x...mandi kt masjid ler kawan..

tamat sudah ceritera hari raya aku...doakan air ada ye...letrik pon sama gak...jgn la de masalah...penat menapak 12 tingkat tue...

Nuzul Al- Quran...

diam xdiam dah 17 hari berpuasa...dah sampai nuzul al-quran pon..hari nih hanya lepak rumah ajak kerja...malas ar...cuti sedia ada pon aku xtercuti nk menambah cuti lg...ater nk work life,setelah berpenat lelah bekerja elok la masa cuti , rehat kt rumah je...wat pe nk susah2..

baru perasan, dah lama aku xupdate blog nih...dah berbulan..masuk test team aku rasa masa kerja aku 70% dari seharian...penat betul sesungguhnya aku happy walau banyak..lg banyak kerja lg bagus... banyak aku belajar...walau xtau aku boleh tanya sana sini..cara aku belajar adalah menganggu org..

ape-ape pon, aku suka SAP PM...ada org suruh aku kerja susah je aku nk sesuaikan diri ngan kerja gov..aku happy ngan cmpany skarang and client skarang...kalo korang jd aku pon mesti setuja cuma term payment je de kureng sikit..hehehe...biasa la...looking forward to be PM functional consultant...insya allah....

new path for new area.....

xsangka dalam sekelip mata je cm semua berubah lain dr aku sangka...mmg pernah nk berangan akan career path aku tp setelah beberapa cobaan menimpa aku pendam hasrat aku akan cita2 yang setinggi gunung sekarang seperti kembali seperti biasa...

3 feb...aku diterima masuk kedalam Acc..mmg happy tp dlm masa yg sama aku takut sbb aku rasa cm banyak sgt ketinggalan ebrbanding org lain..tabahkan hati ngan project besar di Acc dengan rules and regulation yang terlampau banyak tue..aku seakan pututs asa jugak bile aku termenung memikirkan keadaan aku xbeberapa yakin itu. lama kelamaan aku makin adapt ngan situasi yang berlaku..kehadiran sahabat2 yang sgt sporting sgt membantu aku dalam memahami kerjaya sekarang...

tiba-tiba je..angin berubah..aku diminta untuk menukar department...aku jd kelamkabut memandangkan senior yang sepatut nya menunjukan jalan perjalanan career aku berenti..aku jd dalam masa yang sama aku rasa tiba perjalan aku career aku dipendekkan dan ini adalah peluang terbaik yang pernah aku dapat..aku bersyukur kepada Allah ...ternyata kesabaran aku berbalas jua..

apepun...thanks for abap team..really enjoy the moment with all of u..thanks 4 everything..nanti jumpa kite gosip2lg...
then, i will welcome my self to test team..walau pon aku mcm kelam kabut nk memhami paer tejadi..terima kasih atas tunjuk ajar kalian...jgn risau..banyak lg soalan susulan akan diterima dr den lepas nih..mak xreti nyah...


lama betul aku xhupdate blog...busy betul lately niih...few things to submit and i ant to submit it fast...if i can..i just know that i entitle to get promotion this coming sept...that fast but still i have few doubt. can i make it?? not confident enough and futher more this project (shell) will be finished on august..die man..need to updated the resume though...but what the skill i been develop?? crazy ar...i need to chase HR for that..

here is very different management.. if you need project you need to chase the HR and all depending on you. but usually for SAP there is not a big problem because they still loking for candidate to fill up sap position here especially abapers. some abapers are migrate to other department.. testing and upgrading..

my career counsellor did call me. asking for my objective but i dont know about it..huhuhu..i cann't think at all..please someone help me..hahaha..but who knows better than myself rte??

curretnly i'm soo tired with the FC..end user FC always got problem even from the previous cmpny. so just layan..hahaha...but still i'm tired doing this issues which is not completed since 3 weeks before. die lead keep asking what is the issues and the problem is hard to get respond from the FC and OU.i'm very lucky when i keep updating with my kl team lead..he knows the situation. that is advantages for me..hope this will finished on next monday..tired enough..i want something else..please...

my body are recovering from back pain..good..melaka trip are killing and tiring..i like the turtle especially turtle name ' penyu lipas'.. it soo cute..unluckily my camera cannot be off the batteries..soo sad..but frankly speak, the turtle are very put all it hand together, floating and facing visitor with fierce face..hahaha..also can see the penyu karah..people said that is the very beautiful turtle in the world... yes, i realize it is true...cute some more... cannot forgot the time when they let go the babies to the sea. seriuosly that is my first time seeing the babies going to the sea...very cute and though enough..survival spirit are much better from human... you know that it need to survive untill 20's before it can lay eggs?? just like human rite..unique about turtle..

my colleague are best members that i ever known..i cherish the moment with my fren in iss but here is very different..obviously were are just like student who does not have any problem.. just want to have fun everytime.. the kakak asking me if were all are the student?? i just smile and said that were are already working adult.hahaha...weird rite?? funnn... on the night they have karaoke session..they try to force me to sing...i'm not..hahaha..that all...the conclusion is this is the best trip i ever join...thanks all...


Aku pelik tul pe terjadi hari old collegue la...pasal pe lagi kan...dulu kan bukan main gaduh lagi ngan aku pasal keje tetiba cm jd ramah je kan..siap ckp aku kalo de masalah call die...pelik tul..hahaha..mcm la tempat baru xde org nk ajar kan..what ever la..aper2 pon thanks for the offer..eventhough kalo aku keje at the same places aku mmg susah nk tanya die..die buat aku lg bermasalah..wat sakit jiwa je...xleh lupa la...mementang die aku xreti langsung keje aku..cuma aku pening ngan logic je...tue pon nk marah n nk arah2 kan aku..sabo jer la...


huhuhu..finally aku dapat turning stone 2010 nih..happy giler la..officially today is d-day..

mase aku 1st time datang tue rasa macam alienate je..sbb semua org start semalam..aku baru masuk hari xperla...i'm ok with that..aku kan semua colleague ok..ramah and helpfull..they are very friendly..aku happy gak ngan new environment nih..sbb aku rasa bile aku de masalah senang aku nk disscuss ngan depa..futher more, current company nih ada banyak program yang membantu aku menaikkan potensi diri..just say it loud and clear that i need something to improve my self...xsangka dalam keadaan keje nih pon aku de mentor or lebih tepat lg career counselor...xjumpa lagi but i think it may be interesting..eventhough or ckp current cmpany nih sgt tight procedure..mmg pon...aku pon terasa jugak but i dont really mind..yg peting aku dapat improve diri aku in bidang yang aku nak..i got the chance..finally..current company is quite big and many budget to the staff.. i will used it properly..hope this will help me enough to get through with teruk je kan..hahahha..

whatever..ape yang penting is determination...aku xnk hampakan myself the last words...byebyebye ISS (eventhough i miss my old colleague, ure help me soo much buddies) and hi ACCENTURE...huhuhuhuhu..the best things is c ya in KLCC eh CYBERJAYA la..huhuhuhu...leh jumpa seb yang kena jenguk slalu...:P

Baru nak...

aku lepak facebook lama hari nih...add kwn2 sekolah2 dulu..konon2 nk menyepi tp sebenarnya aku bohong...aku rindu sgt kt nk mengalir rasanya air mata aku mengenangkan kisah2 lalu..ceh2 jiwang beremas la aku plak..."karat" xguna dah...xleh nk jual..hahaha..

what ever it is..aku admit aku rindu sgt zaman sekolah..aku bukan baik schema cmtue..aku jugak xdela dikategorikan dalam geng memane...aku hanya bebiasa je..kwn ngan semua yg xpernah wat hal ngan aku..aku baik ngan pompuan berbanding still ok je..aku dikategori sebagai garang n xsupporting..ntah aku rasa aku amat supportive and over protected kot for the girls..

tp aku xsuka dedahkan kisah org..n aku susah nk kenal mmg membosankan la... banyak la kisah zaman sekolah dulu..aku pernah nangis teresak2 sebab sikap seseorang yg memalukan aku tanpa aku sedar kesalahan aku...maaf aku katakan bukan aku xmaafkan korang tp benda tue aku xleh lupa...sbb tue aku menjauhkan diri dr org itu...terluka aku sukar utk diubati..hanya boleh hi...hi..bye..bye..aku xpandai nk hipokrit pada diri sendiri kalo aku xselesa...sorry again...i know i'm not perfect but i have dignity..ceh sesapa mengata2 aku dulu aku maafkan korang dr ujung kaki sampai ujung rambut..aku pon mintak maaf kt korang sebenarnya...

19 Jan 2010

ada sesapa ker sambut paper hari nih???

happy n always happy..

aku pon cm happy cm x..hahaha..
xperla..kite doakan yang terbaikla kan.... hopefully 2010 give me a chance to change..betul ker ejaan aku nih..bantai la ek...

nanti aku dah dapat..aku reveal kt semua okeh..

hope for the very best for me and evryone..

luv ya..

Cari Jodoh???

Aku nk pasang iklan nih...mencari calon2 lelaki yang layak dijadikan suami..hahahha..

nk cukup kan kouta... :D gurau jer la...

aku de dengar lagu indon nih..tajuk die cr jodoh...kalo la cmtue aku leh promote myself nk cr jodoh huhuhu mesti gempak punya..bayangkan beratur bakal mertua nk match kan ngan aku nagn anak2 depa...wah cm lawa sgtkan...pastu sesambil leh tolong gak kawan2 aku cr jodoh..kalo de lebih la..hahhaha...

poyo farzilah...hahahha..


Happy new year every body..

happy new year all..xsangka kejap je dah kena wish new year blk..sungguh cepat mase berlalu...

taun nih azam dendiam ek..hahaha..nanti ujung taun aku bgtau per yg tercapai..

i wish all the best for myself, and u my frens..
